>explain Gulf War Syndrome?
MIGHT ALSO shed light on the record number of suicides and PTSD among military
What we do know about Mefloquine & MK-ULTRA:
Mefloquine (brand name Lariam, Roche USA) has been used throughout the United States and elsewhere as a prophylactic and treatment for malaria. Its origins are shady and was fast-tracked thru FDA approval with relatively little safety studies.
There is evidence that as early as 1955, and possibly earlier, the CIA was experimenting with quinolines, the chemical family to which mefloquine belongs, as part of MK-ULTRA, a program of research in behavioral modification. The stated aim of the latter study was to “understand the mechanism of such states as toxic delirium, uremic coma, and cerebral toxicity from poisoning.”
The potential use of these drugs in an interrogation setting was a stated purpose for the study: “an adversary service could use such drugs to produce anxiety or terror in medically unsophisticated subjects unable to distinguish drug-induced psychosis from actual insanity.”
The prophylactic dosage of mefloquine, 250 mg, is much smaller than the treatment dose given to GITMO detainees, 1250 mg, and is administered once per week as opposed to the single dose used for treatment purposes. Administering the drug at the higher treatment dose without previously determining the need for any treatment was a dramatic departure from the accepted standard of medical care and is not medically justified.
Thus, it does NOT appear plausible from the available evidence that mefloquine was being given to GITMO prisoners to treat malaria. This leaves only darker possibilities: that the CIA (is giving?) gave detainees the drug specifically to bring about the adverse side effects, either as part of enhanced interrogation techniques, experimentation in behavioral modification, or torture for some other purpose.
https:// web.archive.org/web/20131007150249/http:// psychnews.psychiatryonline.org:80/newsarticle.aspx?articleid=112086
https:// web.archive.org/web/20150303010033/http:// www.micahhanks.com:80/conspiracy-2/malaria-and-mind-control-mk-ultra-and-the-guantanamo-connection/
https:// www.scribd.com/document/44977499/Drug-Abuse-Exploration-Government-Use-Mefloquine-Gunatanamo-1