Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.4562937   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2947 >>3061


Nothin' to be sorry for man.

Srsly one of the best first bakes I've seen.

We won't go into what I spaz I was again.

So hat tip to you. You did gud.



Don't understand your question.

Q came to the chans bc of what we are.

Our group being repurposed to aid MI

in free-speech redpilling may stress our ways,

but we can't let it break them

or we kill the goose that laid the golden egg.



>If the board wasn't fine as is we wouldn't be here

Exactly. Notables aren't everything,

but they're a node of attack/discomfy.

I'm always looking for ways we can

make notables selection an organic process

that maximizes oldfag input/wisdom

and diffuses shill tricks and redditor whining,

no matter which baker is on.


I've been pushing for more evidence and explanation lately, and I think that's helping. But could just be fanning my own balls here.

Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 2:35 a.m. No.4562979   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3059


>we need more bakers

Always. Also really grateful you came on board, NightWatch Baker.



>That was a good experience.

Yeah, baking's fun.

Rly makes you turn the ole discernment up to 11.

Another tip I was gonna say is to track ID's of anons nominating and countering controversial posts. You get a better idea whether they're a shill, a high IQ autist, or an ill-informed but well-meaning newb. Real autists are saltyโ€“blunt and direct, but shills try to mimic that. Real autists will also have either lulzy bantz or novel content in their other posts, shills will just have more abuse or pushing agendas. Newbs who aren't confident of their POV/content will out themselves saying things like "why not?" or "I wonder if someone can make something of this." One of the reasons baking in the slow times is the best way to learn is it gives you time to track ID's. If you really wanna get gud, go back and slowly study the breads you baked to see all the comms you missed. Not saying you have to do this to be a baker, just saying it does help. Being good at your job makes it more enjoyable, and this job, like any other, can be studied to good effect.

Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 2:54 a.m. No.4563053   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Yeah I put it in notes earlier tonight, anon.

Missed it the first time but asked anon to go back and repost so I could add next bread.

Here, in #5814:

>>4558457, >>4558488, >>4558495, >>4558531 UPDATED SEALED INDICTMENTS: 70k+!!

Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 3:09 a.m. No.4563106   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3213


>The ZH article was def. notable regardless of source

See this is where we get into trouble.

"Regardless of source" is too low a bar to set for notables, or for any truth-seeker really.

The issue is how do we not make the bar so high (or so subjective to baker) that we open the door to censorship by the next round of skilled operators we have coming.

Discussing how & why the source is either unreliable, or even better, how their info inaccurate is the way to go. This is what happened lb re: the ZH article. Was edifying for anons not already up to speed on ZH's possible bias IMO.


>shills push censorship!

Indeed, but they also push disinfo. Discernment required for both.

And this anon isn't pushing censorship,

sounds like he's saying let's hold ZH

to the light for all to see


>It's good for anons to see the actual articles so they too can see the faggotry first hand.

Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 3:37 a.m. No.4563231   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3292


>other bakers would also do this if they had the time but these are the only breads were bakers can communicate like this

When breads are slow you can. Slower now but still not crazy in the day unless Q's posting or shills are in a tizzy over something. Some bakers have just been at this long enough they've already hit a workable groove w/oldfag wisdom, no point in having convos they've already had. Others will avoid noting stuff on Israel/Jews cuz of the shill heat they take, an understandable preference to not kick a hornet's nest when we have so many other redpills to note at far less cost. But we've seen that when anons and baker band together to reference clear standards (such as requiring sauce/explanation for objections) even full-on MOS/JIDF assaults can be withstood. We'll need that unified front for what's coming. But it has to be facts-based, it can't be "my baker right or wrong" bc w/o discernment we're sitting ducks for the disinfo shills.

The first round of shills and infiltrators to QR are in their death throes at this point. They underestimated us, sent their B string cuz they thought it was sufficient. We grew strong enough to overpower them. Don't doubt for a moment that our (((enemy))) isn't already at the drawing board upping their game. So we'll be upping ours. Gonna be fun.

Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 4:06 a.m. No.4563349   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3416


Well said. It's just another larp sold to simpletons & narcissists



>Because most people can't discern the difference between Wicca - Religion vs. Witchcraft vs.Satanism/Luciferianism?

The same thing is said about Freemasonry and Luciferianism.

In both cases, the lower levels of these fishing orgs are "different" from the higher in degree only. Those newbs that show promise are advanced, for everyone else it's a diversion from the kind of real study and activities that will help them grow in practical wisdom and financial/social/familial strength. Win-win.

Q's drops reference the bible and denounce Satanism. Wicca can be shown to have ties to Satanism, which is why it isn't welcome here. It's a free-speech board, you can post what you like, but don't expect at least one of us won't call it out as bs.

Anonymous ID: 685348 Jan. 2, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.4563403   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>is keeping track of location by remembering the last three digits of a post

autist detected, kek!


I been there for all that baker.

Yeah keeping your place in the slow-combing path thru the bread while bouncing around grabbing what context you need is still where I get caught out. I'm still way too slow a baker for fast-moving bread, too long on graveyards I guess. Plus the keks are sometimes too good to cruise past. When I get close to 500 tho I just start CTRL-F'ing for 'notable' and 'baker.' Shills shit all over any call words we put in regular comms ofc but it's still the only fair way I can think of to make sure anyone who took the time to ask for a post to be noted gets to have baker look at it.

We all come up w/our little quirks to stay organized on-the-fly. Once you iron it all out, baking's pretty comfy. I can tell you're gonna like it.