This is likely our guys just using a cover story so it wont look like we are doing it. Just play along.
It likely just a fun way to reveal the truth to us. And a plausible story for where the documents come from. Likely they are being dropped by our folks. Just salute and check it out when it is dropped.
Could this be our peopleโฆ.you put out a story demanding money like what people expect from these types. But you then give a deadline and hype the story for a while. Get lots of public interest. Then declare the shit heads did not pay up and you start dropping stuff. Slowly building pressure.
It sounds fun.
John and Bobby Kennedy worked with McCarthy and NEVER had a bad thing to say about him. He was set up. And he was right about everything.
This is a good way to alert the public of the information. It also avoids the Saul Alinsky tactic of attacking a target with a face. Like they attacked the bill clinton special counsel. Have some anon groupโฆ.claim it is a radical social justice group. It is just cover. You just need something sexy for the normies.
Then drop. I think it fits with the trolling and gamesmanship of our folks. Let the games begin.
Not saying this is our only plan. I think it could be a fun appeitizer. Throw some chum in the water and get the normies talking. Laying the ground work for our legit stuff later.
I dont see the problem.
The Left who watch Mr Robot will love that shit. I think you all have small imaginations. This stuff is fun.
Our friends in Hollywood have already laid the ground work for this play. It is perfect and the kids of today will be expecting shit like this.
You guys sound like pussies. In fact you sound like Jew shills screaming about a great tactic and faking that your all holy and shit. I think your scared. Fuck off
Chum the water. Like Pizzagate. Throw something juicy out and see what the kids who are close to waking up do with it. Get the ground work laid for the official drops.
So when the real stuff comes the public will be more in mind to accept it and not think it is just made up to make Clinton or Obongo look bad.
There is if we want there to be. KEK
Make that into a memeโฆsomeone do it. It must be done
>corroded moss infested genital fungus spore colony of a pussy being steamed
Anyone imagine the Ken Burns history of the Great Meme Wars? The Q offensives? The shitposting Generals?
What the fuck is that? I am guessing Aliens here to buy the Satanist from us for a couple shekels.