Anonymous ID: 0c6ab1 Jan. 2, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.4564177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4324




To me it seems that the plane that was downed over PA was destined for WTC7. If the no plane theory were to hold true, then we would have seen a hologram hit that building. Why no hologram for WTC7?

Anonymous ID: 0c6ab1 Jan. 2, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.4564359   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Allen Dulles: America’s Greatest Spymaster and Traitor; Illuminati Agentur


Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, April, 2016




I. Allen Dulles: family, professional and organizational affiliations:

II. Fascism defined

III. Family background of Allen Dulles

IV. Allen Dulles’ Early Career (1917-1930): World War I, Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles, Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR’s ‘War and Peace Studies Project,’ the Rockefeller-Harriman-Bush-Dulles faction

V. Pre-WWII, the “Great Game,” the “German Experiment,” the “Hitler Project,” Wall Street’s re-arming of Germany, the Milner Group, and the Rockefeller-Harriman-Bush-Dulles faction

VI. World War II and the Rockefeller-Harriman-Bush-Dulles faction:

VII. Pre- and Post-World War II American-Nazi Collusion, Operation Sunrise, the OSS-CIA, Deputy Director of CIA

VIII. 1933: Judea Declares War on Germany, then entices Hitler to sign the Transfer Agreement

IX. 1934: Attempted Fascist Coup Against President Roosevelt

X. The New American Empire; CFR’s ‘War and Peace Studies Project’ and The American Security Council

XI: Operations Overcast, Paperclip, and MKULTRA, the Vatican “ratlines,” and the P2 Lodge

XII: “Separate Peace” between the US and the Nazis, the “two CIAs,” and the Immediate Post-WWII years

XIII. Operation Safehaven (Cleansing the Record of Nazi/American corporate collaboration) and the Marshall Plan

XIV. The Central Intelligence Group and the Early CIA

XV. Odessa, Post-WWII Election Subversions in Italy and Greece, Rockefeller-CIA-Mafia-Vatican-Nazi Gold Connections

XVI. 1951-1953: Dulles, the CIA, the European Union, and the “Special Group”

XVII: 1952: Allen Dulles and Martin Bormann (Number 2 Nazi) created business network!

XVIII: Dulles, Drugs, MKULTRA Mind Control Operations, and the Concocted “Counterculture”

XIX: Operation Mockingbird

XX: 1952-1954: CIA Takes over Drug Trade in SE Asia and Foments War in Vietnam

XXI. 1953: Coup in Iran (Operation Ajax) by CIA/British/Rockefellers

XXII: 1954: “Operation PBSUCCESS,” CIA’s Coup in Guatemala

XXIII. Dulles and Senator Joseph McCarthy

XXIV. Dulles and the U2 “spy plane” incident

XXV: Dulles and CIA Cooperation with the Israeli Mossad

XXVI: 1957: CIA’s War in Indonesia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia)

XXVII: Dulles a member of “The Second Team”

XXVIII. 1961: CIA Assassination of Dominican Republic President, Rafael Trujillo

XXIX. 1961: Assassination of Congo President, Patrice Lumumba

XXX. CIA Assassination Attempts on Cuba’s Fidel Castro

XXXI: 1961: Failed Assassination Attempt on French President Charles de Gaulle

XXXII. November, 1961: Dulles Fired as CIA Director

XXXIII. November, 1963: CIA/Mossad Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and Cover-up

XXXIV: The Warren (Dulles) Commission Cover-Up of JFK Assassination

XXXV: The Dulles Legacy

XXXVI: Geo-political Conclusions