Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:34 a.m. No.4563788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“The Brussels elite is completely out of touch with reality and the European citizens” – Hungarian State Secretary


In a Facebook post, State Secretary for EU Relations Judit Varga called it “particularly scary” that European Commission President Jean-Claude doesn’t consider migration to be Europe’s biggest problem.


According to Varga, the Brussels’ elite is completely out of touch with reality and the European citizens:


“His particularly frightening answer to the question, whether proper management of the migration crisis would be an important issue during EP elections, was that he would be very sorry as there are far important problems in the EU to consider.


“Such words from the President of the European Commission perfectly highlight the fact that the elite in Brussels has been completely detached from reality and from European citizens.


“In the EP elections on May 26, 2019, we can decide jointly whether we want to elect also-run politicians who support illegal migration and aim at creating the United States of Europe, or if we want to elect representatives who prioritize the defense of Europe’s external borders and the security of European citizens over everything else,” Varga said.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.4563815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Romania to take EU presidency role


New Year’s Day will see a new role for Romania as it takes over the EU's rotating Presidency for the first time.


With EU parliament elections, Brexit and a migration crisis at hand, Romania will help set the agenda for what is expected to be a pivotal moment for the bloc.


Brussels however, has raised doubts about its capacity to lead the block. Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker says he doubts the Romania government can overcome its own internal problems to properly lead the bloc.


"The government of Bucharest has not yet fully understood what it means to preside over EU countries.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:40 a.m. No.4563831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil’s new President imposes zero-tolerance on crime and orders police and military “to shoot to kill”


After record numbers of murders and robberies in Brazil, the country has stepped up the fight against criminal gangs.


The police force shall shoot to kill, and unpunished citizens will be allowed to carry weapons, Samhällsnytt reports.


The newly elected president, Jair Bolsonaro, has promised not to hold back on improving citizens’ security. Among other things, police officers and military personnel who shoot and kill armed criminals will not be punished.


There will also be an end to reduced penalties, and the age of criminal responsibility will be lowered, first to 17 years and later to 16 years.


On top of that Bolsonaro has promised to ease legal barriers for unpunished citizens who want to buy weapons to protect themselves and their families.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:43 a.m. No.4563847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3867 >>4237 >>4346

Bolsonaro takes office in Brazil, says nation ‘liberated from socialism’


BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil's newly inaugurated President Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday his election had freed the country from "socialism and political correctness," and he vowed to tackle corruption, crime and economic mismanagement in Latin America's largest nation.


Bolsonaro, a former army captain turned lawmaker who openly admires Brazil's 1964-1985 military dictatorship, promised in his first remarks as president to adhere to democratic norms, after his tirades against the media and political opponents had stirred unease.


While investors hope Bolsonaro's free-market stance will reinvigorate Brazil's economy - the eight largest in the world - environmentalists and rights groups are worried he will roll back protections for the Amazon rain forest and loosen gun controls in a country that already has the world's highest number of murders.


"This is the beginning of Brazil's liberation from socialism, political correctness and a bloated state," Bolsonaro, 63, said in an address to the nation made after he donned the presidential sash.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.4563874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Retired U.S. Marine held in Russia for spying is innocent: family


MOSCOW/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A retired U.S. marine who has been detained by Russia for alleged spying was visiting Moscow for the wedding of a former fellow marine and is innocent of the espionage charges against him, his family said.


Paul Whelan had been staying with the wedding party at Moscow's Metropol hotel when he went missing, his brother, David, said.


"His innocence is undoubted and we trust that his rights will be respected," Whelan's family said in a statement released on Twitter on Tuesday.


Russia's FSB state security service said Whelan had been detained on Friday, but it gave no details of his alleged espionage activities. Espionage can carry a prison sentence of between 10 and 20 years under Russian law.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:53 a.m. No.4563910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Taliban holds talks in Tehran on ending Afghan War


Iran says a Taliban delegation has made a rare visit to Tehran for talks with a senior Iranian official on efforts to end Afghanistan’s 17-year-long war.


Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on December 31 that the Taliban delegation arrived on December 30 and met with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi.


Qassemi said talks focused on “security issues aimed at driving the peace process in Afghanistan.” He said Kabul was informed about the meeting.


It was not the first such meeting between the Taliban and Iranian officials.


Ali Shamkhani of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council confirmed last week in Kabul that such talks have taken place in the past and would continue.


The Taliban have recently held talks in several regional countries amid Washington’s plans to withdraw up to half the 14,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.4563928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3990

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch Reveal Obama and Hillary Knew Arms Were Going to Syria from Libya — Lied About It Under Oath (VIDEO)


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks.


Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (under oath) in early 2013 after the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack.


Senator Rand Paul questioned Hillary Clinton about this gun running program back in January 2013 during her testimony on the Benghazi terrorist attack.


In late July 2016 Julian Assange told Democracy Now that the Wikileaks DNC emails contains information on the weapons shipments to Syria.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.4563946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spanish communist part: Syria defeated terrorism, preserved territorial integrity


Madrid, SANA-Spanish communist party affirmed that Syria, as people, army and leadership, has been able to achieve victory over terrorism and its sponsors.


“The sacrifices of the Syrian people and army, over the past 8 years of aggression, war and terrorism, didn’t go in vain, but all that was crowned by preserving the Syrian territorial integrity and independence,” the party said in a statement on its website.


It condemned the US illegitimate presence on Syrian territories, saying that this presence is considered as a violation of the international conventions and laws and it is against the will of the Syrian people and its legitimate government.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.4563962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting side-note


The Hunt Brothers and their Attempt to Corner the Silver Market


In the early seventies, amidst political upheaval, inflationary pressures and stagnant economic growth, the richest family in America (at the time), the Hunt family of Texas, tried to corner the market on precious metals. As a way to hedge themselves from the rampart printing of dollars the US government was doing, the Hunts decided to accumulate large amounts of hard asset investments. Since gold could not be held by private citizens back then, the Hunt brothers focused on silver.


In 1979, the Hunt brothers, along with a group of wealthy Arabs, formed a pool buying silver and silver futures. The Hunt brothers used their positions in silver futures to acquire more of the physical metal. As cash was continually losing value due to inflation, the Hunts decided to settle their long silver futures contracts with delivery of silver, instead of cash settlement. Before too long, they had amassed over 200 million ounces of silver which was about half of the world’s supply.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.4563999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4237 >>4346

Multiple deaths after Denmark train crash


At least six people have been killed and 16 others injured in a train accident on a bridge linking Denmark's central islands of Zealand and Funen, according to train operator, Danish Railways (DSB).


The incident on the Great Belt Fixed Link occurred at 8am local time (07:00GMT) on Wednesday with objects from a freight train hitting the passenger train.


Danish media reported that a tarpaulin on a freight train hit the passenger train, which was going in the opposite direction, prompting it to brake violently.


Police spokesman Arne Gram said the passenger train "hit an unknown object", but did not further comment.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.4564033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another adage War is a Business


Market value of companies listed in DSE increases to SYP 667 billion


Damascus, SANA – The market values of the companies listed in the Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) increased to around SYP 667 billion at the end of 2018, with an increase of around 3.3% compared to 2017.


The DSE announced in its annual report about market performance that around 30.7 million stocks have been traded in 21,778 deals during 2018, with an overall value of SYP 25.9 billion, marking a 106% increase in trading value from 2017.


DSE Executive Director Abdelrazeq Qassem said that the DSE performance in 2018 was very good, as it was the best since it opened in 2009.


The banking sector came first in terms of trading, making up 96% of the overall trading value in 2018, followed by the insurance sector with 3%.


The most traded stocks were those of Syrian International Islamic Bank at a value of SYP 15.5 billion, followed by Baraka Bank with 3.4 billion, and Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi with SYP 1.5 billion.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.4564073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4081 >>4139 >>4147




Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A dry and boring subject? Just wait! You'll be hooked in five minutes. Reads like a detective story - which it really is. But it's all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of all history. It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Creature from Jekyll Island is a "must read." Your world view will definitely change. You'll never trust a politician again - or a bank


FREE to read–Pori1NL6fKm2SnY

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:24 a.m. No.4564110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4153




RESCIND THE FED – END FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING: The Creature From Jekyll Island, The Beast From Greece! “Sign Of The Sun-Gods(Ancient Aliens)”




The first coins ever to be recorded on earth were gold and silver denominational coinage minted by the Lydian’s around 600 BC. The Lydian coin pictured above, called a third stater (or trite) but perhaps the largest denomination of its type and without question the most common.


This coin was minted around 600 BC in Lydia, Asia Minor (current-day Turkey), a country in close proximity to both the civilizations of Mesopotamia, from which ideas about money and much else originated, and the Greek colonies in Asia Minor, through which ideas about coinage and much else spread.


The techniques were quickly copied and further refined by the Greek, Persian, Macedonian, and later the Roman empires. Unlike Chinese coins which depended on base metals, these new coins were made from precious metals such as silver, bronze, and gold, which had more inherent value.


World’s First Coin: The Lydian Lion


The above coin is smaller in diameter than U.S. half dime but is thick as a pebble and weighs almost as much as a U.S. quarter. It’s made of electrum, an alloy of gold and silver called “white gold” in ancient times (50-60 percent gold with these coins). At the time of its minting, it may have been worth about a month’s subsistence, a sizeable chunk of change.

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:33 a.m. No.4564182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is why Hoggieboy and friends was living high off the hog so to speak


Oprah Winfrey Joins Growing List of Celebrities Supporting March For Our Lives


Oprah Winfrey said on Tuesday that she will donate $500,000 to the March For Our Lives, the group founded by Parkland, Fla. high school students who survived last week’s mass shooting on campus and who are organizing a pro-gun control march in Washington, DC next month.


Winfrey joins a number of other Hollywood celebrities in donating to the group, including George and Amal Clooney along with Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw.


The Clooneys announced on Tuesday they would donate $500,000 in the names of their eight-month-old twins, Alexander and Ella. The couple, who plan to attend the march, declared their support for the group and its planned march, adding “our children’s lives depend on it.”

Anonymous ID: 1de0df Jan. 2, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.4564217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Marine Le Pen calls President Macron “an imposter” and “a pyromaniac”


French President Emmanuel Macron called Yellow Vest leaders ‘hateful’ in his televised New Year’s speech.


Macron promised that his reform agenda would continue despite the ‘hateful’ Yellow Vests continued protests against him and his government.


Marine Le Pen, who has strongly overtaken Macron in voter polls, hitted back at ‘pyromaniac’ Macron on Twitter.


Le Pen was unimpressed by his un-appeasing attitude toward those protesting his reforms agenda, calling him an “imposter” and a “pyromaniac” on Twitter.


Her party, the French National Rally Party, on Facebook replied in depth. “At a moment when the nation is in need of conciliation, of a sublime and fraternal vision, of a president who is once again presidential, that is to say, an arbitrator, the French listened during this new year’s address to the speech of a clan chief, an ideologue of globalisation and an impudent professor of morality”.


With his popularity following the trajectory of a lead balloon, Macron’s choosing such an adjective as “hateful” was obviously met with criticism from the protesters. One protester spoke to Agence France-Presse (AFP) describing Macron’s speech as “rekindling the fire” of the protests