Anonymous ID: 433fc8 Jan. 2, 2019, 5:26 a.m. No.4563735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3782 >>4212

>>4559032 pb

>>4558957 pb

>>4558277 pb

>>4558916 pb


Federal Judge Hellerstein = close friends with Silverstein

What a coincidence.

He ruled that the attack was two separate instances of terrorism so Silverstein got double payment.

Hellerstein was in charge of Agent Orange lawsuits by servicemen who were injured by Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Docs were kept private "National Security" until most of the injured were dead.

Hellerstein was also in charge of the 9/11 lawsuits by those injured by the 9/11 Trade Tower dust.

So yeah, the airlines never had to produce any documents, not even any which showed who boarded the alleged planes.[Bills of Ladeing? ] which are require of pilot to pass along before the aircraft takes off.

Finally one lawyer, and only one, was allowed to see the alleged documents.

Hellerstein lectured everyone in the Courtroom to "Let it Go" "You have the rest of your life to enjoy [the money they were paying off those who questioned with]"

A disgusting human.

All I can think of is: if he was shown to be the fraud he is, how many cases would have to be re-visited.

All the "Agent Orange" cases? [Monsanto]?

Oh that's right, all the injured are dead by now.

This "Sovereign Prince " of the Federal Court?. I hope he's arrested for 9/11 Crimes.

If anyone deserves it, he does.. Oh and the Bushes, Cheney, Mueller, and the other usual Suspects


Anonymous ID: 433fc8 Jan. 2, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.4563816   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I didn't catch that. Wasn't watching TV at the time.

H.W, seemed to talk word salad.

All over my head.

The thing that tipped me off was the burning down of the house of the SLA when Patty Hearst was supposedly still in side. That's illegal no matter who you think you are killing.

Same with WACO.

That tipped me off.

About the Bushes?

What tipped me off was when Junior stole the election so HARD and so obviously.

"Why do they care so much to the point they must steal so hard as to corrupt the SCOTUS to Stop the Vote counting?

At that moment I knew they must be Dictatorial type / fascist types and wondered "what ' s next" ? And even figured they'd have to stage something since the country was not behind W. nor his agenda. [ as I believed ]

But right after the 9/11, I still didn't put it all together; that that event was what I had forseen and predicted to myself.

Still didn't get it.


>>4559933 pb

>>4559816 pb

What is a "sealed order for discovery" And why would Sullivan be presiding over that case?

Anonymous ID: 433fc8 Jan. 2, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.4564072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump Haters are so ignorant

I never knew people were so ignorant.

(oh yeah, I guess I did.

They think planes can fly through a wall, like Casper the Ghost , without breaking.)

(And that a 1K+ Tower can turn to dust from the force of gravity when it was held up from the ground, correctly per engineering and architectural principles, for decades)

"They are Stupid"

Perps/ criminals aren't the only ones.

Anonymous ID: 433fc8 Jan. 2, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.4564235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't believe Carter made the reference?

Is there sauce for that?


Pic related.

Saturn "sigels" around the neck


BO and CM and BV


This site is down?

Anonymous ID: 433fc8 Jan. 2, 2019, 6:57 a.m. No.4564395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4560181 pb

>>4560249 pb

Notice shill calls anon "dear sweet baby"

Is that you ASSinati? my buttercup

>>4560304 pb

>>4560325 pb

>>4560410 pb

>>4560462 pb

>>4560487 pb


We allow anit-Trump statements here.

Fool didn't notice that.

Not like the fact our INFO is banned EVERYWHERE.

so yes, This is a public space and a Free Speech space - and, as such, could be funded as a Public Service.

Also, It also works as a "Investigaton" "experiment" which could [is] of use to "We the People"

Bad speech is answered [as you can see above with the links]

And the opportunity is given to "answer back"

That is how Free Speech works.

Shill is a liar, per the usual

This is not "solely a Trump supporting Board"

Anyone can write anything they want here; and it will sink or swim; be taken up or not; but certainly recorded somewhere.

Jones - Hicks, Fucking Icke, You will find censorshop on all their allegedly "public " boards. Same with Youtube, Twit, and FB

So this is our last refuge.

And they want to claim it's illegal.