Yeah it's all those evil White Supremacists pointing out the agenda of White Genocide. Something that neither the republicans or democrats seem to care about. You'd think the republicans would care since their base is mostly White but they do nothing as the country is flooded by third world democrat voting immigrants and illegal aliens. Remember how Trump was the only candidate in the primaries who even claimed to be against illegal immigrants. So far he's done nothing on that front.
None of that will matter long term if immigration isn't fixed. All brown countries are poor. How many elections are democrats like the ones running mexifornia going to win once Whites become a minority? Trump is likely the last republican president the US will ever have. No republicans are going to win in rainbow America.
Yeah sorry we forgot that only jews can be victims and that their victimhood is the only victimhood that matters. Let's just ignore that they want to see a world without White people and are actively working towards that goal.
Jews are the soldiers of the occult ruling families.