Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.4566698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705 >>6910 >>7064 >>7238 >>7310 >>7364

Coming soon, believe it or not – Islamic Party of Ontario


As people around the globe celebrate the New Year, for me 2019 is beginning just the way 2018 did — with a threat against me.


Leading up to 2018, the threats against me were quite blatant, leading last year to the arrest of two would-be assassins in India.


Even in Toronto, a Muslim cab driver pointed his fist at me in pistol fashion saying, “I have a special gun for you,” as he sped away.


Yet towards the end of 2018, a much more subtler death threat was addressed to me, this time by the head of Canada’s newest aspiring political party, the Islamic Party of Ontario.


In case you have not heard of the Islamic Party of Ontario, its name was officially reserved under Elections Ontario rules in October 2018, with more steps required before it becomes a formal party.


It operates with a mandate to introduce Islamic rule in Ontario and Canada because, according to the fledgling party, “We understand and believe that Islam is the native DEEN (religion) of Ontario and Canada.”


The Islamic Party of Ontario is headed by one Jawed Anwar, who operates out of the Toronto neighborhood of Thorncliffe Park.


In a column posted at the end of October targeting American activist Laura Loomer, Anwar described me as “… Islamophobe Tareek (sic) Fatah in Toronto Sun. Tareek is an open enemy of Islam and a hate-purveyor.”


Non-Muslim readers, even police and politicians, would not know the significance of the allegation, but every Muslim on earth is aware of the implications of accusing a Muslim of being an ‘Islamophobe’ or being “open enemy of Islam.”


An allegation such as the one labelled against me is the equivalent of declaring me an ‘apostate,’ which makes it a duty of other Muslims to kill me and thus secure a place in Paradise for themselves.


For those who are living in 2019 and the 21st century, this may sound like a joke. But those who are still living as if it is 1019 in the 11th century, the beheading of an alleged Muslim apostate is part of their heritage and faith.


After all, the first Muslim vs. Muslim war broke out within a year of Prophet Muhammad’s death when one section of the community was declared ‘apostates’ by the Caliph and the ‘War of Apostasy’ led to thousands being killed over an issue of religious taxes.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.4566715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6769

'Real Justice Department' veteran emerges as Mueller's top courtroom adversary


A former federal prosecutor has emerged as special counsel Robert Mueller’s most persistent courtroom critic.


It’s not Rudolph W. Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney and now President Trump’s ubiquitous defender, or any of cable TV’s prosecutors-turned-pundits.


He is Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field. He served eight years prosecuting cases as a Justice Department assistant U.S. attorney in Washington. He refers to his former employer as “the real Justice Department,” implying that Mr. Mueller’s team is something less.


His biting remarks have come in months of court filings and oral arguments. Mr. Dubelier has depicted Mr. Mueller as a rogue prosecutor willfully ignoring Justice Department guidelines.


He has accused Mr. Mueller of creating a “make-believe crime” against his Russian client, Concord Management and Consulting, which is accused of funding a troll farm that interfered in the 2016 election.


So far, the federal judge presiding over the case has sided with Mr. Mueller.


Mr. Dubelier charges that the Mueller team violated the confidentially of Concord’s counter evidence while hiding documents Concord needs for its defense. The prosecutor wants to “whisper secrets to the judge,” Mr. Dubelier says, as Mr. Mueller is calculating the “short-term political value of a conviction” and not worrying about an appeals court defeat years later.


An example: In a Dec. 20 motion, Mr. Dubelier resurrected a botched case spearheaded by Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann.


Mr. Weissmann headed the Justice Department’s Enron task force nearly two decades ago. He won a conviction against the accounting firm Arthur Andersen for shredding the defunct energy firm’s financial documents.


Years later, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the conviction. The 2005 decision effectively said that Andersen, by then out of business and its 28,000 employees gone, hadn’t committed a crime.


“Mr. Dubelier is exactly right on Mr. Mueller’s motives and tactics,” said Sidney Powell, whose book “License to Lie” exposes years of Justice Department scandals. “His lieutenant Weissmann is the poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct and has no regard for the facts or the law. He will make up whatever he wants to win, and the entire like-minded team views as an accomplishment everyone whose life they destroy in pursuit of their objective.”


‘Made up a crime to fit the facts’

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.4566726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6892

Ted Nugent Announces ‘Build The Wall’ Star-Studded Benefit Concert


Ted Nugent, one of the greatest figures ever in rock n’ roll, has decided to throw a benefit concert to raise money to help build the border wall. Nugent will use his massive influence in the world of music to put together a music festival that will “rival Woodstock.” The hope is that the three-day festival will attract conservatives rather than liberals, who will do more than dance around drinking and drugging. According to Event Coordinator, Art Tubolls:


“Rather than having self-proclaimed chemists selling doses of PCP, we’ll have respectably dressed young men and women collecting donations from concerned Americans. We believe we can raise no less than $50 million, which is way more than they need to start a wall somewhere. The law says once you start a federal project you can’t stop. We will make our lives safer from the small percentage of refugees who come here on foot.”


Nugent’s concert will be held at 128 Farm Road in Upstate New York, which is the property neighboring Lester’s Farm. The main difference will be the cabins, trailers and luxury tents available for rent overnight from the Trump Organization, all to benefit the wall. There are also two brand new bathing/changing facilities, one for men and one for women, and no — no crossies over — complete with private showers, changing rooms, lockers, a full gym, and an Olympic sized swimming pool.


The company overseeing the project is confident they can provide a safe environment for everyone that will also raise a bunch of money for a great cause. Open carry will be allowed, as well as concealed carry with a proper permit. Alcohol will be readily available and free in some of the more expensive seats.


This right here is what liberals don’t understand. Not only will conservatives put on the best show, they’ll also have the best time in between. Invited to perform are legends like Kid Rock, the Freedom Girls, Toby Kieth’s former drummer with Jon Voight on bass for none other than Hank Williams Jr., and to cap it all off, Dolly Parton will sing a tribute to lifelong Republican Burt Reynolds before Loretta Lynn takes the stage for her farewell performance to sing God Bless the USA.


If you can’t make it, Ted Nugent has personally asked that you take what you would have donated and hand it to a homeless veteran.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.4566739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Central American Countries Are Helping Middle Easterners Illegally Enter The United States


In December 2018, the Center for Immigration Studies dispatched Senior National Security Fellow Todd Bensman to Panama and Costa Rica to investigate President Donald Trump’s widely ridiculed assertions that suspected terrorists had been apprehended among Middle East migrants through Latin America. Panama is a geographic chokepoint, or bottleneck, through which migrants from countries of the Middle East, who are moving out of South America, must push on their way to the U.S. border.

The following article is based on Bensman’s on-the-ground research over two weeks. His video reports, photos, and writings from the trip can be found here.


Golfito, Costa Rica — It was here in March 2017, at the main aluminum structure of a government migrant camp, that federal Costa Rican police arrested Ibrahim Qoordheen of Somalia as a suspected al Shabaab terrorist operative on his way to the U.S. southern border.


Qoordheen had been smuggled from Zambia to Brazil, passed through Panama, and was making his way north through Costa Rica when the Americans had him arrested here, 20 miles inside Costa Rica, according to an American intelligence official with knowledge of the case who spoke on condition of anonymity. The Golfito camp, with a capacity of 250, was set up as a two-day rest station for South America-exiting migrants whom the governments of Panama and Costa Rica register and help move through northward to Nicaragua.


Golfito migrant camp, Costa Rica where Ibrahim Quoordheen was arrested in 2017. Photos by Todd Bensman.



Luckily, the Somali stayed long enough for an American intelligence analyst working with the name he had provided in Panama to unscramble it and match it to a pre-existing intelligence file that identified him as intertwined with an al Shabaab cell and smuggling network in Zambia, the U.S. intelligence official said.


The Americans interviewed Qoordheen at length, but the Somali gave up nothing, the U.S. officer said. The Americans then arranged to have him deported to Zambia, the officer said. It turns out the Qoordheen case was only one of other such episodes about which the American public was never told, where terrorist suspects were discovered migrating through Latin America to the U.S. border.



Terrrorists Know the U.S. Border Is Not Secure

A Costa Rican immigration service official whose jurisdiction includes the Golfito camp disclosed that at least several other U.S.-bound suspected terrorists also were pulled from this camp since Qoordheen’s March 2017 arrest, likewise based on significant derogatory U.S. counterterrorism intelligence. The Costa Rican official declined to provide specifics of the intelligence beyond that it involved terrorism, offering only that: "Most are good, but some are bad."


The American public was never told that Qoordheen and other suspected terrorists were pulled off U.S.-bound migrant routes in distant Costa Rica and Panama because such information is usually classified or not disclosable, in line with standard practice to protect ongoing investigations and operations.


That necessary opacity, unfortunately, seems to have given life to denialism about President Trump’s claims that terrorists are among migrants from countries of terror concern, like the Middle East. The skeptics have demanded proof then cited Trump perfidy when protected intelligence wasn’t provided. Trump’s assertions were thus ridiculed and dismissed as unsupported fear-mongering.


But the rejectionists, many of whom obviously do not know that a central homeland security practice is threat preemption, are wrong. Down here, on the southern-most leg of migrant routes to the American border, it is they who invite ridicule and eye rolls.


American, Panamanian, and Costa Rican law enforcement and intelligence officials are engaged in actual programs here to hunt, investigate, and deport real terrorist suspects who are, in fact, discovered among the thousands of migrants from the Middle East, Horn of Africa, and South Asia funneling through this section of Latin America—as President Trump said and as I saw and heard on the ground.


They are working at it here because sheer geography pushes tens of thousands of U.S.-bound migrants from all over the world who pass from South America landing zones through these two countries as they push north. Panama and Costa Rica are chokepoints on the migrant trail where "extra-continental" travelers, as they are sometimes called at the American embassies, can become known in the greatest concentrations.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.4566748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7064 >>7238 >>7310 >>7364

Israel opposition in dramatic split ahead of election


Israel's centre-left opposition dramatically split on Tuesday ahead of an April 9 election, with leader Avi Gabbay announcing he would no longer partner with veteran politician Tzipi Livni as she sat stone-faced next to him.


The announcement means the end of their Zionist Union alliance, which finished with the second most seats in the last general election in 2015 but which has since tumbled far in opinion polls.


Zionist Union included Gabbay's Labour party and Livni's Hatnuah.


It won 24 out of 120 seats in 2015, behind Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud, which won 30.


Since Gabbay took over as head of Labour in 2017, his partnership with Livni had been uneasy and it was unclear if the alliance would continue for the election.


He inherited the partnership from the previous Labour leader, Isaac Herzog.


"I still believe in partnership, in connections, in uniting a large camp committed to change, but successful connections necessitate friendship, upholding agreements and commitment to a course," Gabbay told a meeting of Zionist Union parliament members.


"That didn?t happen in this partnership," he said, adding that he believed voters agreed.


Livni approached the podium immediately afterwards and said tersely she would take time to reflect on Gabbay's announcement before responding. It was unclear if she was given advance notice.


In a statement shortly after Gabbay's announcement, Livni said it was "good that the doubts had been cleared," vowing to focus on winning the upcoming poll.


Gabbay's decision is the latest realignment ahead of the election and more are expected.


On Saturday, two right-wing ministers, Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, announced they were splitting from their Jewish Home party to form a new one that they hope will attract a mixture of secular and religious voters.


A popular former armed forces chief of staff, Benny Gantz, has also signalled his intention to run by forming a new centrist party.


Polls show Netanyahu is likely to remain prime minister after the elections despite corruption allegations against him.


The attorney general is expected to announce his decision on whether to charge Netanyahu in the coming months. The premier would not be required to step down if indicted.


Netanyahu currently leads what is seen as the most right-wing government in Israel's history and says he would like to have a similar coalition after elections.


"I won?t intervene in how the left divides its votes," he said in a statement after Gabbay's announcement.


"What?s important to me is that the right forms the next government too, and continues to lead Israel."

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.4566775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6791

Trump Welcomes Second Meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un


President Donald Trump said in a Jan. 1 tweet that he looks forward to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un after Kim said he is “always ready to sit together with the U.S. president.”


Trump referenced a PBS News Hour piece that said Kim had promised not to “make, test or give away nuclear weapons,” and that he is looking forward to meeting with his U.S. counterpart.


“I also look forward to meeting with Chairman Kim who realizes so well that North Korea possesses great economic potential!” Trump said in his tweet.


At their landmark summit in Singapore in June, Kim and Trump vowed to work toward denuclearization and build “lasting and stable” peace.


During a Jan. 2 cabinet meeting, Trump said that if he hadn’t sat down with Kim, there would have been a “war” in Asia.


In a nationally televised New Year address, Kim emphasized achieving their common goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, but warned he may have to take an alternative path if U.S. sanctions and pressure against the country continued.


Kim said denuclearization was his “firm will” and North Korea had “declared at home and abroad that we would neither make and test nuclear weapons any longer nor use and proliferate them.”


Kim added that Pyongyang had “taken various practical measures” and if Washington responded “with trustworthy measures and corresponding practical actions … bilateral relations will develop wonderfully at a fast pace.”


“I am always ready to sit together with the U.S. president anytime in the future, and will work hard to produce results welcomed by the international community without fail,” Kim said.


However, he warned that North Korea might be “compelled to explore a new path” to defend its sovereignty if the United States “seeks to force something upon us unilaterally … and remains unchanged in its sanctions and pressure.”


It was not clear what Kim meant by “a new path.”


Asked for a reaction, a U.S. State Department official declined to comment.


South Korea’s presidential office, however, welcomed Kim‘s speech, saying it carried his “firm will” to advance relations with Seoul and Washington.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.4566819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7064 >>7238 >>7310 >>7364

Look Who Donates to Trump’s Top Five House Democrat Enemies


Wall Streeters, lawyers, and the insurance industry are the biggest group- givers to the five incoming Democrat committee chairmen in the House of Representatives who will likely be deeply lodged thorns in President Donald Trump’s side in 2019.


Topping the list of group-givers are lawyers and law firms, both in terms of total contributions to the five in the 2018 campaign ($810,910) and as the leading donor group to two particular Democrats expected to give Trump endless headaches in the 116th Congress.


The two include incoming House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), soon-to-be House Judiciary Committee chairman.


Trump has intensely personal problems with both men. The chief executive has referred to Schiff as “Little Adam Schitt,” thanks to the California Democrat’s unrelenting criticism on the Russia collusion investigation.


Trump and Nadler go way back in New York politics, making the Manhattan Democrat probably the last person the president would want to head the judiciary panel.


Nadler has opposed major Trump development projects, which may account for the president’s referring to him as “one of the most egregious hacks in contemporary politics.”


Having lawyers and law firms—including many trial attorneys filing big-ticket class-action litigation against Fortune 500 corporations and deep-pocketed high-profile individuals—so prominent among donors to these two committee chairmen could pour salt on such wounds.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.4566862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No foreign power can make decisions on legitimate EU-Iran trade ties: Mogherini


European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the bloc will not allow any foreign meddling - even from its closest ally - in its legitimate trade ties with other countries amid US attempts to kill Europe's business relations with Iran following its withdrawal from a multilateral nuclear deal.


In a recent interview with the Saudi-based Arab News daily, Mogherini stressed the EU's resolve to save the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) despite the United States’ unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.


“We are working, as a union of 28 member states and with the rest of the international community, to preserve a nuclear agreement that has so far been implemented in full, as certified by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 13 consecutive reports. We do this because of our collective security,” she said.


The top EU diplomat also defended the JCPOA, saying that the accord “is delivering precisely on that purpose.”


“Part of this work requires us to guarantee that firms wanting to do legitimate business with Iran are allowed to do so. This is what we are working on right now: tools that will assist, protect, and reassure economic actors pursuing legitimate business with Iran,” she added.


Mogherini further emphasized that the bloc will not accept any foreign interference in its trade relations with other countries.


“It is true that this situation has triggered a conversation on European economic sovereignty. We Europeans cannot accept that a foreign power —even our closest friend and ally—makes decisions over our legitimate trade with another country,” she said in remarks targeted at the US pressure on Europe to cuts its trade dealings with Iran.


She also rejected speculation that economic or trade considerations were what motivated the EU to keep the multilateral agreement in place.


“That is not the case: we do this to prevent a nuclear non-proliferation agreement that is working from being dismantled, and to prevent a major security crisis in the Middle East,” Mogherini said.


Last May, US President Donald Trump withdrew from the JCPOA in defiance of international objections.


Since then, Washington has unleashed its “toughest ever” sanctions against Iran. It has also warned of severe penalties for companies that evade the bans and engage in business dealings with Iran.


The EU, however, has been working to set up the so-called Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), a payment mechanism aimed at facilitating business with Iran irrespective of the US bans.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.4566906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6925 >>6949 >>7033 >>7064 >>7238 >>7310 >>7364

Soros-Funded NGO Ship ‘Sea-Watch 3’ Roams Mediterranean After It is Banned from Ports in Malta, Greece and Italy


The NGO human smuggling ship SeaWatch 3 is still at sea with the 49 illegal migrants aboard that they picked up last week.


The NGO ship is not allowed to dump their migrants in most European countries, like Malta, Italy and Greece.

It is not clear if Spain will take their migrants again.


The Sea Watch 3 posted this on Twitter on Tuesday.


“49 people have been on NGOs @seawatch_intl’ ships and stranded for days @seaeyeorg. Together with my colleague Dietmar Köster MEP, I appeal to the EU Member States and, in particular, Germany, to finally take in the rescued! That is what requires humanity.”


The Sea Watch organization complained on Twitter that no countries want to accept their migrants anymore.

Tweet translated: International maritime law no longer applies, humanity has become in short supply: Since before Christmas there has been no safe haven for migrants rescued #seawatch3 @seawatchcrew from distress at sea on

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.4566982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7008

Houthis: UN Food Agency Is Taking Sides in Threatening to Suspend Yemen Aid


Corruption is a problem in aid delivery, but WFP only faults Houthis officially


Yemen’s Shi’ite Houthi movement issued a statement condemning the UN World Food Program (WFP), saying the group is taking sides in the question of fraud in food delivery in Yemen, and threatening to cut aid to certain parts of the country.


On Monday, the WFP issued a statement warning that they would suspend some aid into Yemen unless the Houthis investigated claims of fraud and corruption in food delivery. The Houthis noted that the WFP didn’t communicate directly with them before issuing this statement.


All of this comes amid reports from observers that the exact same problem is happening in the Saudi-dominated parts of the country. Interestingly, the WFP issued no ultimatums against the Saudi parts of Yemen, and chose to focus only on the Houthis.


That raised Houthi concerns about bias, and is perhaps unsurprising. After all, even minor criticism of the Saudis tends to lead to furious backlash from the kingdom, and the US generally backs the Saudis on anything at the UN.


UN officials note that corruption across Yemen is making food problems in Yemen much worse, with one saying if there were no corruption there would be no famine. Tackling corruption is clearly a tall order, however, and threatening to cut food to the Shi’ite parts of the country clearly isn’t going to accomplish that. If anything, it is likely to complicate further UN efforts in Yemen with the appearance of bias.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.4567008   🗄️.is 🔗kun


World Food Program, Bribed By Saudis, Threatens Yemenis With More Famine


The United Nation's World Food Program is supposed to relief populations in urgent need of food supplies. It is not supposed to be a partisan organization. But in the war on Yemen it has now taken one side of the conflict and is threatening the other side with starvation.


The slow famine in Yemen continues unabated. Not only the people in north Yemen, under control of the Houthi and besieged by the Saudi coalition, are starving. Those living in the government controlled areas in the south have similar problems. There are many conflicting parties which makes aid distribution difficult. There is food in the markets but the people have no money to pay for it.


Many poor local men, even children, get recruited to fight on either side. The coalition of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and the United States have few of their own soldiers on the ground. The hire others to wage their war.


The U.S. is essentially running the Saudi air war against Yemen:


When a Saudi F-15 warplane takes off from King Khalid air base in southern Saudi Arabia for a bombing run over Yemen, it is not just the plane and the bombs that are American.


American mechanics service the jet and carry out repairs on the ground. American technicians upgrade the targeting software and other classified technology, which Saudis are not allowed to touch. The pilot has likely been trained by the United States Air Force.


And at a flight operations room in the capital, Riyadh, Saudi commanders sit near American military officials who provide intelligence and tactical advice, …


While the U.S. military claims that it intends to prevent attacks on civilian targets the results show no such influence. The war against the Houthi and their allies in Yemen has been a siege war from its very beginning. It was designed to use famine as a weapon against the population of the Houthi controlled areas.


The Saudis do not only bomb water wells and food production facilities on land but the also kill Yemeni fishermen who dare to take to the sea. The Saudi coalition also hired mercenaries from Sudan and elsewhere to bleed as its foot soldiers. Some of them are as young as 12 years old. The Houthi are likewise recruiting youth.


The UAE, which is profiting most from the war, hired al-Qaeda leaders and fighters to do its bidding. A prominent one is Abu al-Abbas who commands some 3,000 local fighters. Last year the Trump administration put sanction on al-Abbas for financing al-Qaeda. But its ally UAE is paying him millions per month to fight on its side.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.4567060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7071 >>7076 >>7238 >>7306 >>7310 >>7364

Journalist Who Broke Story Of Mueller Deleting Text Messages Dies Mysteriously


The Facts:


Bre Payton, the journalist who broke the story of Robert Mueller's team deleting text messages, died very suddenly of a mysterious illness.

Reflect On:


Can we look at these incidences based on the facts as well as by recognizing patterns, before we jump to either accept or reject possible explanations?


Bre Payton was a writer for the conservative online news magazine The Federalist and a guest commentator on the Fox News Channel. And she was a rising star.


“From the moment we started talking I realized she was a potential star,” Ben Domenech, the publisher of The Federalist, said in an essay on Saturday. “She was raw, yes, but that could be honed. She was eager to learn, to write, and to go places—not because of ambition, but because she wanted to change the world.”


She seemed unafraid to take on things that mattered, including breaking the hard-hitting piece DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Text Messages Before The IG Could Review Them on December 13th, where, unlike the mainstream media who later focused on the idea that there was ‘no evidence’ that these text messages were deliberately destroyed, Payton leaned towards the conclusion that there was criminal intent in these deletions, a notion supported by Donald Trump.


And then she died suddenly on Friday in San Diego. She was 26.


I don’t have any definitive ‘proof’ for the notion that Payton was killed because she was going to disclose some type of sensitive information against the Deep State; however, it must be said that the cause and circumstances of her death are befuddling enough for one to consider such an idea. My only intention is to explain the facts and allow you to draw your own conclusions.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.4567116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7169 >>7214



Bad news about Sweden is ‘right-wing conspiracy’ to tear down liberal utopia – Think tank


“The image of Sweden abroad has changed significantly lately,” writes Fria Tider. But everything is actually a “smear campaign” according to the British think tank “Institute for Strategic Dialogue” (ISD).


ISD – which cooperates with George Soros’ foundation Open Society – argues that a global right-wing conspiracy, aimed at Sweden in order to slander the country, is ongoing.


This because foreign media in its reporting on Sweden is focusing on car fires, rapes, shootings, no-go zones, Islam and sharia and the negative consequences of migration.


“They try to tear down the image of Sweden as a liberal utopia and replace it with the image of an unstable state – flooded by migrants who Islamise the country,” says analyst Chloe Colliver at ISD in an interview with TT.


“This is not true,” she continues. In fact, it is so-called right-wing extremists who spread “misleading or false stories” about Sweden.


“It is primarily the ‘media image’ of Sweden that has changed, not the social development in the country,” she says.


This darkened image of Sweden is then used by political forces in other countries, such as Donald Trump in the United States, to gain support for their policies.


Paul Rapacioli, founder of The Local, is of the same opinion. He argues that there is a war on values ​​in the Western world and that Sweden is used as an example of why left-wing liberal politics don’t work.


According to him, it is easy to “lie or twist the truth” about Sweden because the knowledge of the country is relatively small.


Those claimed to be behind the “misinformation” are so-called “right-wing” networks in different countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland and Hungary.


The Russian channels Sputnik and Russia Today are also pointed out as responsible for the erroneous image.


The conclusion in TT’s article is that it is the Russian State as well as extremists on the right who, through exaggerations and lies, try to ruin Sweden’s reputation abroad.


However, the negative media image spread has been relatively limited and it does not correspond to the general public’s views, ISD claims.


Not one single example, or any proof of the alleged “disinformation” was provided in the interview. On top of that most, if not all reports about Sweden abroad have been confirmed by the Swedish police.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.4567135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We don’t want to mix Islam with our culture, it’s not good – Hungarian Prime Minister


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has criticised countries that “mix two cultures” and think it will “create something new and good”.


“There are countries that think that mixing two cultures, Christianity and Islam, creates something new and good. We see it differently.


“If the others want to mix their cultures, then they have a right to this attempt. But we do not want to start any trials in Hungary.


“We do not want to mix our Christianity-based culture, values, attitude to life with other cultures,” the Hungarian Prime Minister said.


With his eyes on the upcoming European election in May, Orban hopes voters “want to retain and protect their national identity, as well as their Christian customs” as they are being threatened by increased migration flows.


Earlier the Hungarian Prime Minister said about Islam:


“We caution all against harbouring the idea that Islam is part of any European country. It is good to know the answers about Islam. And we Hungarians know them. For example, if we say that Islam is part of Germany, ‘in Islam’ it means that Germany is part of Islam.”


Orban’s Fidesz party has increased it’s lead since the elections and is now supported by 54 per cent of voters.

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.4567215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7238 >>7310 >>7361 >>7364

Border Patrol Treating Fifty Illegal Immigrants PER DAY For 'Serious Illnesses'


CBP is handling cases of pneumonia, influenza, and even tuberculosis.



United States Customs and Border Protection revealed Tuesday that they are treating as many as fifty illegal immigrants per day for "serious illnesses" requiring urgent medial care, including pneumonia, influenza, and even tuberculosis.


The Washington Times reports that border patrol authorities are seeing a steep uptick in the number of sick immigrants attempting to cross the border, and in particular an uptick in the number of sick children. "Most of those in need of care are children, and a staggering 28 percent are under age 5," according to the Times.


The numbers come from a study, undertaken by CBP after two children, a 7-year-old girl and and an 8-year-old boy, died while in border patrol custody, apparently from serious illnesses or infections contracted before they were taken into border patrol custody. The study sought to analyze how sick asylum seekers are handled within the U.S. Customs and Border Protection system, and to help identify and patch holes in its care system.


"Between Dec. 22 and Sunday, the agency reported 451 cases referred to doctors or other providers, including 259 children," USA Today reports. "The ill migrants have been arriving with all kinds of ailments, many with flu or pneumonia that can be particularly pervasive and dangerous this time of year. Seventeen migrants have been hospitalized, including six children, according to the agency."


A full review of the situation also reportedly revealed that many migrants are ill when they leave their home countries, and that many make the decision to undertake the journey anyway.


CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan told media in a statement that, "Many were ill before they departed their homes."


“We’re talking about cases of pneumonia, tuberculosis, parasites. These are not things that developed urgently in a matter of days," he added.


As a result, the border patrol has had to evolve into a makeshift medical services organization.


"The Border Patrol is also changing procedures to enhance medical evaluations of children. Parents are being interviewed about their children's medical condition and history and kids' blood pressure, pulse and temperature are among the vitals being checked by assessment teams," McAleenan told media, according to USA Today.


"We have always had an agent review the condition of the children," McAleenan added. "What we are providing now is a medical professional."


Customs and Border Protection also says the number of migrants has increased sharply overall, and that migrants are reaching the border faster – within just a week, on buses, sponsored by immigrants rights organizations, instead of nearly a month on foot – and that they're arriving at less-trafficked border patrol facilities rather than major arteries between the United States and Mexico, perhaps assuming that lines will be shorter, and that they will be processed faster in New Mexico than in Arizona, California, and Texas.


CBP also cautioned that adult migrants are traveling with children under the theory that border patrol agents may expedite their asylum claims in order to keep the children out of harm's way.


In a Reuters report on the death of a young Guatemalan boy in U.S. custody, the boy's mother admitted that "when her husband left Guatemala to try to reach the United States, they hoped taking their 8-year-old son would make it easier for the pair to get in."

Anonymous ID: 112262 Jan. 2, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.4567283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7298



Not sure about that.


This operation could be aimed at making you question every aspect of your reality so it's easier to manipulate you in the future.


Q says use logic, well logic says Q is full of shit!