Anonymous ID: 963e7c Jan. 2, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.4566999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7011 >>7278


For some people, the issue is literally religious. To them, Israel is God's chosen and you don't fuck with it. They see persecution of the Jews as evil (which, I would argue sweeping 'hate' is evil, not edgy board posts, but a legitimate hatred of others who've personally done nothing wrong is evil). They see the "it's the Jews" as jealousy or, itself, a sort of psy-op that favors globalist agendas tied into Islamic expansion.


Nothing solidifies this more than the issue of the fakistinians. Palestine hasn't existed for over a thousand years and the people lost to conquest. So… Do the people currently living in Israel deserve to be attacked and assaulted by "Palistinian" militants? Are the actions of Hezbollah and the terrorists justified?


No. They are not. The palestinians are insane and a group being used by other arab nations as a cudgel. That may be regrettable in many ways as they do not choose to be born into a society that makes them a tool of jihad - but no one in their right mind wants to show support for such behavior - and you can see it all over on the internet where muhamad-muhamad-al-derka goes on about muh-jooz.


Of course, people within Mossad and the CIA have gone to great lengths to make sure the muslims are always pissed and willing to kill Israelis to create a victim status… And it works.

If you are a rational person who holds religious tendencies from Christianity and who is grounded in the mainstream - what is most purplexing about the whole situation in Israel is why they haven't driven palestine into the sea and been done with it.