>If Q gains support for POTUS
false assumption
if Q is fake that is not what occurs
try harder
>If Q gains support for POTUS
false assumption
if Q is fake that is not what occurs
try harder
read carefully
post says IF Q is fake then it is not support for potus
Q is not fake
if Q WAS fake it is FAKE support
and they all stink
well of course its an opinion and you are free to ignore
no need to be snarky
anons post opinions all day here - sometimes with digs and facts - oftennot
if you dont like that i dont see why you staying here
her lies and fake story are par for them
just look at pochahointas and she thinks she can be potus
the libs suck this up like soda
they love it
they are lost to us
want some military grade planning and stable genius? look what they did in the midterms - DELIBERATELY let the dems win the house - why? to clean out the house of bad and corrupt RINO's - step 2 - clean out the bad and corrupt D's with declas and MOABsand indictments after they assume control - REMEMBER THE CONSTITUTION ANONS - it makes every house member run for re-election every 2 years - so once the D's are cleaned out in 2019 the new crop of POTUS supporters R's can sweep back into power in 2020 along with POTUS - the house has massive turnover that is how it was designed -
in the meantime POTUS did something historic by increasing our hold on the Senate - getting rid of 3 bad RINOS (yes there are more and yes romney is a shithouse) WHILE THROWING THE HOUSE TO THE D'S - which is the key to the next 2 years of the plan. TRUST THE PLAN