Whitaker can't sign FISA warrants as acting AG
Rosenstein can
O'Callahan canโฆ
Whitaker can't sign FISA warrants as acting AG
Rosenstein can
O'Callahan canโฆ
Kikes don't like Sathers, cause he calls them out.
In New York, for instance, Sen. Charles Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand approve of the administration's choice for the Eastern District, former prosecutor Richard Donoghue, a source familiar with the process said. But they have not given a thumbs-up to its preferred candidate for the Southern District, Geoffrey Berman, who is Rudolph Giuliani's law partner, the source said.
Why did Schumer and GilliBRAND like Donaghue, but not BERMAN??
We still worshipping Mad Dog Mad Hatter Mattis?
Yep, kike.
When a reporter asked if he had hit his head, Mattis at first began to joke that he gotten in a bad bar fight, but then just chuckled and declined to answer.
The scar and what appeared to be some trauma to his left eye did not appear serious, but even when pressed, the Pentagon chief declined to reveal whether it was the result of an accident, injury, or medical procedure.
Got in a bar fight and got his ass kicked, or wasn't towing the line for the cabal?
Take yer pick.
Here's the pattern I'm noticing.
Adm Rogers (Praised Trump after leaving)
Sessions (Praised Trump after leaving)
Kelly (talked shit about Trump after leaving)
Mattis (talked shit about Trump after leaving, pushed out his "poor me" schtick to all the fake news agencies)
Writing is on the wall