Anonymous ID: 689625 Jan. 2, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.4568436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8667 >>8788 >>8850 >>8920

>>4536001 (pb #5785 12/31/18 Monday 12:15:50)


Most articles and NPC chatter is making this guy out to be an innocent teddy bear, who just happened to be passing through Russia for two weeks for a wedding (then later it was scoping out and planning a wedding). It appeared that Paul Whelan was making a quick visit to help [someone] plan wedding logistics.


The story keeps changing and its murky. The narrative being peddled is portraying the situation as becoming moar and moar "unjust". Siting Russia "retaliation" for Ms. Maria Butina. So the MSM is apparently juicing up for a Globalist ground zero fight against Russia using this narrative to campaign hard against President Putin, the "evil dictator" as the second (or 3rd if you count DJT) coming of the antichrist "Nazi Hitler".


But unlike the the carpet bombing MSM narrative we currently see today, of the teddy bear Marine, gregarious guy image of Paul Whelan (holding the "family dogs") who was unluckily caught in the cross-fire of geopolitics, an earlier article after he was just detained contradicts and clouds Paul Whelan's frequency and purpose for to travel to Russia. It seems the MSM is now burying that.




Also interesting to note, The Marine Corps says Whelan was convicted in a 2008 COURT-MARTIAL on charges related to larceny at a special court-martial in January 2008 and given a bad-conduct discharge in December 2008 at the rank of private. Details of the larceny charges were not released.




Paul Whelan is an employee of BorgWarner which does lots of business in many countries around the world with a large presence in Asia, BUT NOT RUSSIA. Yet the earlier article states:


"He loves to travel and he’s been to Russia on both personal visits and for work," David Whelan said. "And the friend asked if Paul could come and help because his family was going to Russia and hadn’t had a lot of experience there. Paul was there to help people tour the buildings and get around what can be a difficult country to navigate."


So why now is this not being mentioned? There's a dangerous narrative growing around this "espionage" story and using this detention of an alleged spy by Russia's Federal Security Service possibly to frame Putin and Russia to start a war. We can count on the Globalist "International Community" use everything they have to trap sovereign leaders of independent nations to take them down with their deadly CFR plots.