Anonymous ID: c05114 Jan. 2, 2019, 3:39 p.m. No.4570503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

many of us have an uneasy feeling about Pence and that something is about to happen regarding him. I am struggling to understand a possible scenario that has never happened before but it seems like there is something in the air that suggests it could be attempting to happen. The Marine who was shot in the Capitol Hill barracks would have the duty of protecting the Hill and nothing to do with POTUS' protection. POTUS oddly talked about many marines with machine guns on the WH lawn. I think those things are related and an attempt was made on Grassley so marines went on high alert for POTUS. I need a civics lesson on what would happen if VP resigns and president pro tempore is assassinated before another is sworn in? What would happen if tomorrow's president pro tempore was killed before being sworn ( Grasley) in and Hatch's ( current) term is constitutionally ended at noon? Typically ( note typical only ) it is the longest serving senator of the majority party. It is the longest serving senator and the reason it is from the majority party is because a vote is taken and presumably the majority party has more votes to cast. Is the longest serving senator the constitutional priority? If so, Leahy would take the spot if something happened ot Grassley. This is kind of important because there have been battles back and forth about who is 3rd in line. It has changed over the years. If pence is out then Grassley steps in until a new one is voted on in both houses receiving 2/3 vote in both chambers. I think there is a plan for a power battle tomorrow at noon.