Anonymous ID: d70baa CTR with some perspective for the normies Jan. 2, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.4570097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In light of the little Romney stunt, CTR put out a new article that gives some decent perspective on the DC uniparty,GOPe, Spygate, FBI-DOJ cross currents. Take him or leave him, I mostly leave him, sometimes Sundance lays out info for normies to chew on. We know most of this stuff here already but it shows this is all getting out. It's a long article and below is just an excerpt about half way through along with a link at the end.


"Establishment GOP consultant Alex Castellanos was very open about the best design to getting rid of Donald Trump back in 2015 when he discussed an almost identical strategy for how Mitch McConnell destroyed the threat from the Tea Party a year earlier:


[…] “The best way to do it is how Brutus killed Caesar. Get real close, snuggle up, and shiv him in the ribs”… (link)


Forgive me for mixing my metaphors here; but as each of the shiv-bearers appears, that’s when Trump is forced to deliver the whac-a-mole hammer. It’s like having an administration filled with establishment terror cells. Each cell acts independently, but each cell also acts based on a common objective: retain the UniParty.


The earlier whac-a-mole example was Condi Rice’s embed plant and former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson popping his head up. But there are many more examples all around in various forms; including the self-serving GOP exit of U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley; and now we see Mitt Romney.


When you think about the actual structure of the Republican state party machines; it’s enough to make you wonder if the mid-term outcome and lack of structural fight was not part of this dynamic. After all, “their” party was taken over by a new MAGA base and a new pragmatic political leader, Donald Trump.


The same UniParty dynamic is visible in the way the FBI/DOJ and aggregate intelligence community were weaponized against Donald Trump – with Democrats and Republicans participating in the unlawful processes. Now, in the downstream consequence phase, we see a UniParty defense approach to block Trump from revealing what happened.


I’m not sure people fully completely understand this dynamic within “spygate”. It was not a targeting operation by democrats; republicans were just as complicit. The ongoing goal to eliminate candidate and president Trump is not partisan.


Which brings me to the current state of the advisers around the executive. Remember, there are trillions at stake here – and the downstream benefactors are both Republicans and Democrats who make up the UniParty."