thanks for your work!
question/suggestion: have you thought of including some of posts that were replied to?
There are cases where the post Q responded to was itself a response to other posts that had important information, which is not visible if only the first post in the chain is shownโฆ It's not a dramatic issue, but if extensive/complete archives is aimed at, the question arisesโฆ
either idiocy or willful intent to disrupt.
since we can tell the difference/results are the sameโฆ
damn, *can't tell the difference
Not sure what's best to do with them. Just ignoring leaves them there, and it looks like people fall for it. Are they all fake? Are they all dumb? Maybe wasting time trying to find out is the whole point, but i too feel it has to be fought at least a minimum
yup. living the dream
hehe, sweet, which part? lotsa stuff crammed in there
<Pray for Operators. <3
Dilley Dills. Some people like the taste of Dill. Some don't. Some reaally don't. So please don't spread it around everywhere.
His drops are only tangentially relevant here, as chatter/current news. Discussion and digging should be reserved to the alternate info thread: >>114336 https://
it's mentioned in crumbs (but end of bread so little time to go grab the exact quotes)โฆ they have had their battles (migrations etc) but overall we're indeed still here!
ah, this one for example:
Q!ITPb.qbhqo 11/29/17 (Thu) 11:21:16 0a9612 No.10925
Snow White utilized/activated to silence.
This was not anticipated.
Control / protection lost.
Routing through various networks ('jumpers') randomly has created connection/sec issues.
Working to resolve.
Select people removed.
Stay strong.
We are winning.
More to follow.
>Control / protection