Anonymous ID: a173b4 Jan. 2, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.4570738 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>4570718 >>4570649 Raoul Wallenberg issued thousands of fake visas But he was on the winning side so that's okay.
Anonymous ID: a173b4 Jan. 2, 2019, 4:24 p.m. No.4571126 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>4570586 >mind controlled the other Jews into being moronic slaves Explain. They're supposed to be cavemen.
Anonymous ID: a173b4 Jan. 2, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.4571146 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>4571137 Marlon Brando bragged about fucking Paul Newman when he was a kid.
Anonymous ID: a173b4 Jan. 2, 2019, 4:28 p.m. No.4571179 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1250 >>4570598 >>4570614 >To this very day… not one, no not one evil fuck, KNOWS which side the POTUS is on? I'd rather do business with the Russians than fight them.