You know what to do… drop Tropic Thunder memes all over Twatter.
Tropic Thunder
If i guessed I would say it =
"Counter Hit"
Just gotta throw this out there … just in case….
If there are 18 sides to The Great Pyramid's shape as if it was a shell with no interior, it would have 18 sides counting the base… inside and out. If one family left.. and 17 remain… and we have been taught to think "mirror" … we aren't talking about Q…. We are looking for The One.
The Great Pyramid has 9 outer sides with the capstone in place.
If it were an empty shell it would have 18 sides.
Do Anons believe only 3 families ran the world?
18 = "666" as mentioned by Q.. and we need to "expand our thinking"
Check the last notables about Soros.