Nothing happening?
Avenatti email by journalist Michael J Morrison
Great list Anon. How about the worlds largest sex trafficking ring being brought to it's knees and shut down, with it's leaders arrested??
Globalism got ruined in 2018. 2019 we finish the job
Trump rallies abounded to record crowds.
Thousands of seal indictments
RBG on the ropes
msm constant attacks on QAnon, all for a LARP.
NAFTA deal with Mexico/Canada
Putin and POTUS in Helsinki, soccer ball activated
The new U.S. embassy in Israel is set to officially open in Jerusalem on Monday (May 14, 2018)
What about stopping those government slush funds funded by pentalities / fines against a corps / individuals which subsequently give to activists organizations organizations. Remember Indian Warren was mad about Trump kicking some government leader out and replacing it with a Rule of Law type person?
Melania's "I really don't care" jacket.
Trump Tweets (retwt: when do the trials begin graphic)
Nikki Haley 'we will remember this vote' UN.
Trump meets the Queen
Trump makes demands UN, pay your bills or we out.
End Iran deal
Trump calls out obama cash drop
Vets - Choice Law
Tl;dr but muh "envelopes"?