I'm tellin ya, Erik Prince called this a year and a half ago. He said POTUS wanted to do Princes plan in Afghanistan, but Mattis fought back and had backing with the pentagon war machine. So POTUS acquiesced with conditions. Basically, "I'll give you whatever tools you claim to be missing, and you go get the fuckin job done. If not, we're doing it my way." Mattis pulled the same shit they've been pulling for 20 years with zero results, except more dead servicemen, and kept asking for more time, making excuses. POTUS was fed up. And rightly so. Mattis is pentagon swamp.
Romney is compromised swamp. They are ALL acting this way to virtue signal to their handlers that they're still on the (((team))). Bad idea. He's also a fuckin idiot.
He's a war dude. Soldiers like war dudes. Does not mean that's what's right for the country.
He had a full on giggle fest with No Name.
Welp. Didn't see that coming from that acct. pretty cool.