Anonymous ID: ba05ce Jan. 2, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.4575228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5268 >>5345 >>5347 >>5401 >>5467 >>5526 >>5549 >>5747 >>5840

Ex-Scientologyfag here.


Scientology stabbing in Oz update. Take note of the trafficking link in this. I actually researched the Taiwan Human Trafficking in Oz Scientology back when the Alice Wu story broke.


Scientology is heavily involved with human trafficking, especially for its Sea Org "religious order".


UPDATE: The fatally stabbed Sea Org worker was a Taiwan national, and police say that the assailant was also of Asian descent and “might need an interpreter.” We still don’t know if the family member they had a “domestic” dispute with the day before was someone who was working at the Advanced Org or was getting services there. But this is not the first time that the Scientology facilities in Sydney had problems from their tendency to bring people in from Taiwan.


Steve Cannane in 2013 covered the case of Alice Wu, a woman who claimed she had been trafficked from Taiwan to a Scientology center in Sydney, and who ended up having a mental breakdown.


We hope police in Australia are aware of this history and are asking pointed questions about all of the people involved in today’s incident about their association with the Scientology Advanced Org.



Earlier Trafficking in 2013:


The Church of Scientology in Sydney has been accused of holding a young Taiwanese woman hostage after she suffered a mental breakdown.


In March 2012, Alice Wu was hospitalised after she punched a window at the Church of Scientology's headquarters in Dundas, in Sydney's west.


Ms Wu badly damaged her right hand in the incident. Her family claims she was trying to escape the facility at the time.


The Church of Scientology denies the allegations, saying Ms Wu was not held captive or forced to do anything against her will.


Ms Wu was 20 and studying commerce when she signed Scientology's billion-year contract in late 2011, joining the elite Sea Organisation and moving from her home town of Taichung to Sydney.


Taiwan has become the major recruiting ground for the Church of Scientology in Australia, following a sharp decline in membership locally.


Two former insiders have told Lateline at least 50 per cent of Scientology's staff in Sydney are Taiwanese.

Anonymous ID: ba05ce Jan. 2, 2019, 10:16 p.m. No.4575482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5578


>Are there any records of convictions or just accusations? Like court records. Youd think the msm would be all over this, they hate scientology


Scientology used and abused "Religious Worker Visas" to traffic in people for Sea Org "religious order. Standard pay is around $40 per week, working 100+ hours per week. Room and board provided. Sea Org is a 1 billion year contract.

Anonymous ID: ba05ce Jan. 2, 2019, 10:27 p.m. No.4575603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>5643


Scientologists are always on edge, thinking that eeeeevil psychiatrists are taking over the galaxy. Really.

Ask them about "Body Thetans".

You can always advise them that you know that you are no longer your own Body Thetans. They are easily trolled.

Anonymous ID: ba05ce Jan. 2, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.4575674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5713


>Ok. Here's a question: Do you know if Scientology was started as an alternative power structure to compete against freemasonry and the OTO? I always suspected there was a deeper reason behind its inception apart from the cult of personality and/or money.


Scientology is all about power, money, and control over people. The "religious angle" was added by L. Ron Hubbard early on, strictly for tax avoidance purposes.


Hubbard was a Satanist. He was a believer in "do as thou wilt" to others

Anonymous ID: ba05ce Jan. 2, 2019, 10:46 p.m. No.4575781   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>From what I gather, ultimately Scientology was developed as a way to combat and insulate elite from rising Luciferian requirements needed to be met to survive in H'wood/gain power/wealth. They provided a strong, powerful network/"religion" that the Luciferians stayed away from.


>Think Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman.


>Different sides of the same coin. Tom wanted the fame/fortune without having to do the satanic ritual crap - Scientology protected him from all that while allowing (and feeding off of) his wealth/power to grow.


Interesting analogy.

Hubbard founded scientology as a way to gain money, power, and control over people. After admiring Jack Parsons and Satanists.


Scientology is just another Satanic splinter of the cabal.


B7t true believers like Tom Cruise actually believer they are super-human, better than ordinary people.