I know a lot of anons are expecting something BIG this month, but I think the “sanctions are coming” poster from today is telling you how long we need to wait. November 4. Day after Q told you “first marker verifies 11.3” which is Podesta getting indicted, actionable 11.4.
And they call us conspiracy theorists. Don’t be shocked if Mueller actually announces Trump’s indictment tomorrow. It always sucks before it doesn’t.
Also. Rosie tweet is =NOTABLE=
>>4576181 (lb)
This is a literal interpretation of Q posts. Q says to watch for T Podesta indicted on 11.3, actionable 11.4 (sanctions coming). “Biggest advances drop ever on pol,” “3 year plan”. Not a midterm year so November 2019 seems like the safest bet based of a literal interpretation of Q (isn’t that the best interpretation?). I know we all want action now, but I think we’re gonna have to wait a almost a year… maybe 2.
No, the other fat kike, Rosie O’Donnel
Which of those two are we supposed to to trust more? Mueller or Corsi?
Could be part of the plan,
>”how do you legally inject evidence?”
Also, if Mueller is deep state he can just create crimes and evidence against anyone. Wouldn’t be the first time for the deep state, and the stakes have never been higher.
Romney isn’t dumb. He knows damn well who his handlers are.
Everyone in DC knows about Q and the cabal
Yeah all this, but not for many more months. Sanctions coming when? Trump straight up named the date today.
No theory of mine, just lots of possibilities
I stand corrected. Isn’t that the way? If not A (((jews))), then B (Catholics). Seems like Catholics are just the house nigger of the Jews.
Doubt. Q straight up says first marker on 11.3 verifies (t Podesta indicted, Trump tweet “the storm is upon us”) then spread the Q post graphic to wake up the idiots. It’s gonna take that long to prepare normies and lefties because MAGA slooow played 2018.
Can’t blame your impatience and frustration. The good news is you can always return here when Trumo decides its time to start the Jew storm.
Porn is either a shill slide or pretween virgin distraction. No one here old enough to provide anything of value is posting little girl’s tits here. We’re supposed to fighting the producers of CP, not celebrating their work.