The worst part about abortion, imo… is that we aren’t quite sure what’s pp is doing with the scraps. If they said a prayer and did the biohazard waste procedure… that would be better then selling them out the back door.
Moon is not an object as far as I’ve seen. The eclipse path put it at only 30 miles wide. The moon is a nothing burger. We never went and nobody else will either.
I’m pretty sure that what’s going on in Antarctica has been found, not created. And I think it scares the shit out of whoever comes into contact with it. Def tunnels, not made by us. Holes to the inner earth for sure.
I don’t understand the plot of the space force movie. I mean, closest star? It all revolves around us, the whole universe could be inside out for all we know. I don’t get it. Unless he’s just funneling money for another purpose. OR if he’s using a really loose definition of “space”. You really think ETs are gonna strike? They’ve had plenty of time…. Maybe it’s all a show so the old folks don’t freak out. If we’ve got space generals, I’m sure it’ll help them sleep at night.
You’re prolly a shill, but there isn’t any measurable curvature. The sky is just a projection.
Have you been to space to prove the moon is real, for yourself? Or to prove how much we “know” of blah blah blah is “accurate”? If one part of the puzzle is wrong, the whole thing falls apart. There are countless possible points of error. To say you know anything is absurd. You have no reference point, no ultimate vantage point from which YOU have personally seen. You’re taking everybody’s word for it. That is the opposite of how to find truth.
So I was thinking about time travel… that’s another way the future proves the past. Well, the future creates the past?
To summarize: everything is an illusion. Maybe it’s just a dream?
Time travel is a matter of perspective? How do you get above, to see the tracks of time?
Aaand this one has me all fucked up. Two separate dreams, not dreams within dreams.
Is that true?
I don’t see my shadow often enough, therefore I find this good advice. Give us a hint tho…
You went back to work at the carpet store? BOO!
Ah yes, but we came for a reason.
That is better than tits
I wanna see the pyramids turn on, but i don’t want to be in the new North Pole.