Why did they put those big tubes (insulation?) around those tensioning rods or cables? Judging from the anchor and baseplate sizes they can't be carrying more than 50kips.
Picking up some Russians chatting on HAM radio making worldwide contacts.
14195.20khz AMsync
Hard to judge. It looks like she asked him to do it.
Killing and murder are two completely different things. In fact, God instructed the people to kill certain clans entirely and burn all of their spoils and artifacts. Probably this same thing going on back then, and the cure was to wipe it from the face of the earth by sword and fire.
My new years resolution was to start jogging, and to chop my own firewood with a wedge.
You just talked me out of it.
Ahh. right. It says you shall not murder. Which is killing for an unjust reason, such as robbery, CYA, jealousy, sacrifice, etc.
Nice buzzwords there. Go read the Old Testament.
In short, when it came to certain groups, yes. He commanded that they ALL be slain. And all of their shit burned and destroyed.
Read the Rape of Dinah in Gen.34. Dinah was raped by a young man from another tribe. Dinah's brothers wiped out the whole tribe.
And let's not forget the attempted homosexual gang rape in Gen 19. God took that one in His own hands. Sent two angels to defend Lot and then burned the entire city of Sodom with everyone in it.
If we were to happen upon these satanic bastards doing their thing, and we applied kinetic energy to their skulls, I'm pretty sure there is no commandment broken.
To die, is to wake up back at home, in the real world. The spiritual/energy world. And probably feel like Alice, and say "Wow, what a ride. I've seen some weird shit."
Watch some NDE's on youtube. Many of them say this. Like they know they are back home now, and here on Earth ain't it.
It's the bloodline they want to assume and become, but are not of. The tribes of Israel, including Zarah-Judah, migrated to Europe. Hence the hatred/silent genocide for the white man. Do not confuse the tribe of Judah with todays Jews. (those who say they are jews, but are not). The word is not even in the original text of the Bible.
Indeed brother.