was there a breakthrough in iranian situation? with lack of nuclear threat (northern syria facilities destroyed, iran now without nuclear option?), the only sticking point is not allowing israel to fire off nukes to iran or initiate air raid/false flag via mossad to start a war with iran.
syrian and russian air defense are being entrenched. this reduces israeli options.
with iranian and syrian forces breathing down israeli necks next door and air options neutralized, and with isis puppets destroyed and kurdish allies withdrawing from embattled regions, israel is left with few options.
nuclear option to strike iran will result in immediate isolation of israel and world missile defense systems SHOULD be watching israeli subs and air assets for any sign of nuclear/WMD activities.
also, mossad and israeli intelligence false flags expected to try and swing things in their favor. how many muzzie pawns in the west are under mossad control?
paki/turk demographic in particular must be watched, as well as arab/iranian.
The dynamic, more you study it, becomes clear. israel/jewry has always been the cabal keystone to the entire NWO ground affair.