For every one of you posting porn to the board, consider this quote:
“There is no dignity when the human dimension is eliminated from the person. In short, the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little.”
It is a coward who posts porn.
Consider the sacrifice and grit it takes to truly stand before a naked woman and commit yourself to stand by her NO MATTER WHAT. That, as she makes herself vulnerable to the creation of new life and all that caring for that life entails for a lifetime, that you will protect, nurture and support her in all ways in that endeavor.
True men will respect the integrity to gaze upon the good that is the nakedness of another person and commit themselves to defend the honor and dignity of that woman.
Again, to strip that privilege from the sacrifice of love is a coward's venture.
For those of us here to do the real work of the anons and cooperate with nothing less than the very renewal of our nation and her leadership, we will lament and wade through endless hides of this disrespect of women, but do not equate this with consent. We do it, because we are not dissuaded by such amorality.
No. While repulsed and infuriated by this baseless disrespect for women, and men for that matter, we do and will reject it, minimize our exposure to it with the built-in tools of the chans, and continue our work here with fortitude that rises above it.
You will not scatter us. You will not dishearten us. You will not stop us. Ever.
Those images are of someone's daughter, possibly someone's wife. They know the cost of loving and serving the beauty of that person - Body, soul & spirit.
Have the decency to respect that beauty and dignity of the human person, too.
Thank you to ever anon who stands up with integrity to oppose the posting of porn which disrespects and dishonors the lives of so many others.