Elizabeth Warren Caught With “Blackface” Doll Sitting On Her Kitchen Cabinet During Live Stream
G-guys… has she just ruined her presidential bid just two days into 2019?
>During a live Instagram stream in her home kitchen on New Years Eve, Massachusetts Senator and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren was seen “taking a break” and drinking beer while speaking to her supporters:
>“Um, I’m glad for everybody who’s joining this video. It’s great to hear from you.
>“Hold on a sec, I’m going to get me a beer.”
>After she got her beer, Warren introduced her husband and then announced she was going to run for president in 2020, according to CBS News.
>Interestingly enough, sitting on top of the senator’s kitchen cabinet appeared to be a black-colored doll.
>Some believe the doll, or small statue, may resemble a racist “Sambo” type caricature.
>Is it really a “blackface” doll or just a harmless decoration piece?