Angela Merkel's Stasi Background:
[I started translating this but couldn't finish tonight. Maybe some other German speaking anon can finish it.
The article cited at the beginning can be found here: https:// ]
another interesting link, in halfway decent English, explaining why some think she worked for the Stasi:
Merkel’s Stasi Environment
von Rolf Ehlers
If we want to evaluate what we can expect from a person, we always first inquire after the place from which he comes. We seek to make ourselves a picture of him in which we feel out what environment he lived in the past, who his friends and relatives were and what their convictions were and are. To not do that is called being naive…But we German voters have been left in the dark for years about the environment from which our Chancellor comes. None of the authoritative newspapers have covered this, except in a superficial way, until now, with the Schweizmagazin (Swiss Magazine) of May 9, 2008, titled:
“German Chancellor Merkel a Stasi Snitch?”
In Anne Will’s talk show Oskar Lafontaine, who saw himself exposed to vicious attacks against his collaboration with G[r]egor Gysi as a supposed informant to the Stasi, suggests that it is Chancellor Merkel herself who was an activist of the GDR (German Democratic Republic) system.
Many have been aware for years of information that was buried in the archives and that after the reunification did not disappear in the great vernichtnungsaktion (effort to obliterate Stasi records after the fall of the GDR). But the publication of this information is not opportune. Often it pleases people with authority to redact and publish, or those with power over them, to protect Mrs. Merkel from any attacks. Do these people themselves know who they are covering for?
Angela Dorothea Kasner’s entanglement with the German Democratic Republic Regime (she took the name Merkel in her first marriage and retained it after entering the second) is closely connected with her family environment and her personal and political friends, who almost without exception were intertwined with the Stasi. Presently, leading roles are played her Father Horst Kasner, her companion of many years Michael Schindhelm, Clemence de Maziere, along with offspring Lothar de Maziere and Thomas de Maziere, Wolfgang Schnur, Manfred Stolpe, Klaus Gysi and Gunther Krause—with the exception of Thomas de Maziere thoroughbred Stasi agents, if not strictly prove, then suspect…
The Father: Devourer of Capitalists in Church Politics
Merkel’s Father, Horst Kasner, was not a humble pastor, but instead an important man in GDR church politics, in which, together with the influential Clemence de Maziere, in which he advanced the GDR program with regard to the churches, above all the splitting off of the evangelical Church in the GDR from the evangelical Church of the whole of Germany. He was a member of the Moscow-run Christian Peace Conference (CFK) and in the State Security (Stasi)-run Weissenseer Research Group (Study Group? Worshop?) He had liberties that only the fat cats had: two cars and the right to travel to the West. On state business he rode with the “National Front” to Italy, where he publicly explained that only the KPI (Communist Party of Italy?) could rescue the country. The author he chose himself to write his biography, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) political scientist Gerd Langguth (who is rumored to be a serious analyst), informs us that the dominant pastor Horst Kasner had “decisively stamped” his daughter Angela. Langguth describes the divine, who switched over from West to East in 1954, at the height of the cold war, and later in Templin, in Brandeburg, headed an important institution for the training of vicars, as a fellow traveler of the SED State(Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands—the ruling party in the GDR, a union of the German Communist and Social Democratic parties in East Germany). His political opinions earned him the sobriquet “Red Kasner.” Angela Merkel first began visibly, according to Langguth, to emancipate herself from her father, who was “deeply mired in the GDR system.”