Anons Buy Silver
Gold will end the Fed, and silver is historically undervalued against gold, even though we use silver today more than we ever have.
The fact is, if silver does not get to where it is even financially practical to reclaim it from industrial uses, which is about $400 an ounce, it is going to be gone in 2 - 3 decades. It is $15/an ounce today, and that is nowhere near expensive enough. People are putting it in yoga pants for antimicrobial properties and uses like this have to stop.
Buying silver will help end manipulation of the price of gold and silver faster, be
cause you can get more of it (80 times more) with the same money.
The central banks have to manipulate silver and gold, because if they were not manipulated, everybody would know what shit the fiat dollar is.
If that sold 5 million copies, how come more people are not woke? Of course, it may have sold a lot more copies outside the US than in.
But it was Jackson who took down the first central bank (National Bank).
Pike was a KKK founder too. When someone posted the masonic Tubal Cain pic on here to show how the facebook emblem was taken from it, I realized that the FreeMasons had started the KKK.
What took the KKK down was the Superman radio show outing all the stupid puns behind their observances, rituals, and positions, like the "Klavalier" a cavalier but with a "Kl." The whole country was laughing their asses off and they could no longer recruit.
The masonic Tubal Cain is a cane with two balls in the middle.
A simple google search shows you that Albert Pike and Nathan Bedford Forrest (both masons) created the KKK.
I actually think that the silver gold thing is another thing the cabal has brainwashed us to think backwards on.
Silver, historically, is trades at 15 to 1 with gold. Now that is because silver came out of the ground 15 to 1 against gold throughout the history of mankind.
Issue: Gold is totally unreactive as an element, it forms no compounds and therefore, never disappears oxidizes changes. We have every ounce of the 7 billion mined in human history still with us.
Now take silver. It has the second most uses of any commodity, the original being the film stuff, but there are thousands more now. The computer and cell phone you are typing on have 1/3 of a gram of silver (that they can't do without).
Because of all this usage and loss, above ground silver and gold are both 7 billion ounces.
And now silver only comes out of the ground at 9 to 1 with gold, not 15 like in ancient Rome. We've burned through 2 billion ounces of silver over the past 20 years (about 100 million ounces a year used more than mined)
Yes, at one point there was way more silver than gold, so gold took a higher place on the money pyramid, but the factors have changed. Don't forget, aluminum was more expensive than gold prior to our modern extraction techniques.
We've been lied to about so much, maybe this too.