Melania's "I really don't care" jacket.
Trump Tweets (retwt: when do the trials begin graphic)
Nikki Haley 'we will remember this vote' UN.
Trump meets the Queen
Trump makes demands UN, pay your bills or we out.
End Iran deal
Trump calls out obama cash drop
Vets - Choice Law
Tl;dr but muh "envelopes"?
Memes reaching critical mass
It be happening, slowly steadily, we are winning, You can add all the lawsuits to protect our water, MI, NY and many other states against 3m and other companies.
Caravan busted as org by Soros
Nickelodeon (and many others) ratings pass CNN
Federal Grand Jury to hear Evidence of WTC Demolition
President Trump pardoned Dwight and Stephen Hammond, the Oregon ranchers whose imprisonment was the straw that broke the Patriot's back and led to the Bundy et all stand UP at the Malheur Refuge, which ended up with the MURDER of LaVoy Finicum.
Monsanto/Bayer getting sued and losing massive settlement in one case with 100's pending and stock losing almost 50% of its share price. Thought by merging with Bayer it would save them now both Nazi companies are going down.
US hostages released (NK and Turkey)
POTUS calls big pharma to tell them to drop prices. They immediately do.
What else?
Legalized Hemp through the Farm Act.
Signed millions of dollars for ocean cleanup.
Trump orders US troops out of Syria, declares victory over ISIS
Senate now doing Confirmations of appointees for POTUS!
What else?