and yet they don't kill this board? try as you might you won't ever turn us against the only platform that allowed us to run in the first place. They may have once been cult, but so was the rest of the world that owned everything - they became patriots by not shutting us down and the only shills are you who constantly robotically call them out every single thread - I don't see codemonkey with spam in every thread promoting himself yet I see this bullshit - the proof is in the actions shill
you misunderstand my point. If they were comped they are the only ones that if they were comped we would fucking know as they could kill our boards -the shills don't kill the boards they fuck they ddoss it - which is something the board owners wouldn't do, it'd be counter productive when they have a direct way to destroy it.
so no, not comped - but people want us to think they are because that way one less ally for us to trust - I see it in many threads - this constant narrative against the Watkins'
yep that must be why twitter had a massive purge (me included) and reddit kicked us off and 4chan kicked us off - but no, despite this being literally our last refuge even if they were comped they wouldn't kick us off here because we would find some other place (as tho one exists, and don't tell me VOAT because we used 8chan to get to voat and it was the BO here who did that.) - so no, your argument is flawed on many levels - especially given we have tracked the shills to proxies
I like VOAT… I was just responding to what I assume he would say "what about Voat, we can go to voat" and the problem with that argument is we used 8chan to orginize to get to VOAT - so no, if 8chan were comped - it'd be the same as all the other places that kicked us off. - that's my theory anyway
I like Voat