Anonymous ID: 09d635 Jan. 3, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.4578784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8842

>>4576168 (pb)

Dear PamAndersonNewFag:

The person who died in France in November related to Pam was Azzedine Alaïa. He was a French designer who rose in the ranks of fashion by being a hidden secret of the French elite in the mid 20th c, including the Rothschilds. He knew A LOT, about everyone. Died of a "heart attack". Some say he was 77, others 82. But I would put money on him not dying of natural causes, such as a heart attack. He grew up in Tunisia and still had a house there, as well as connections to the Tunisian elite. With Tunisia's organ trafficking, I wouldn't be surprised if his heart was young and healthy. He was gay and had a partner, so his benefaction of Pam could be related to why he died instead of sex.

He knows everything about everyone in France. She went on the run after his death. There is another cdan blind about her being scared for her life, living in hotels.

Here's an NYTimes article on his death.


If they NYT requires a login, the Guardian has one as well: