If you read the first part of Fulford? It's very uplifting and positive.
Here it looks like he's done a longer article than usual "Benjamin Fulford"
Love this stuff right in the midst of all the fucked-up and cursed shill
If you read the first part of Fulford? It's very uplifting and positive.
Here it looks like he's done a longer article than usual "Benjamin Fulford"
Love this stuff right in the midst of all the fucked-up and cursed shill
sorry Pb
I wonder why the all look the same?
Could it be a tradition among Pedovores?
Strange how close the original Mengele, who went "underground" as a female, resembles our favorite Inquisitor "WHAT IS MY NAME?"
No surprise evil sadistic Pedovore would have himself Daddyissues and Identity-issues which he would take-out on his [MKultra ?] child victims?
Should add that to the montage.
"David" has a special charm which sets him apart.
Overt Wet behind the Ears.
He isn't as dry and stale as the others.
Perhaps that's why the gig as a front Liar / PR guy?
Quality not Quantity
as far as posts
Shill try to make me feel like i'm over-posting.
Shill has 17 .
I have 9.
discouragement shill.
Why so motivated?
the fact they are so motivated to discourage, gives me courage.
We're only on the 10th day of Christmas