Anonymous ID: 46326c Jan. 3, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.4578803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8812 >>8816 >>8819 >>8834 >>8837 >>8846 >>8864 >>8872 >>8875 >>8886 >>8901 >>8902 >>8942 >>8949 >>8952 >>8973 >>8984


deleted all my memes and pics. all gifs and what ever. Been fun. Lot of hope and good times. But like you, I'm done. I'm not sure Q is fake, not going that far. But this room is useless. Q's disinfo means we never know if we are properly hunting. Q's lack of answers makes me apathetic to the questions. I don't need to know shit I'll never get a straight answer on. I'm ashamed I voted Republican this year for someone else. I didn't think for myself. I got caught up in the moment. Lesson learned. Never again.


Trump will not get my 2020 vote. Neither party will. If Rand Paul runs his own ticket, I will make it a point to vote for him. As useless as it will be.


The essential problem is, /qresearch is dead. The autists are gone. It's more like reddit everyday, you can't ask questions without being insulted by 15 anons for not accepting the spoon fed cryptic info and again, NOTHING. GETS. ANSWERED.


40/60 - but everyone will learn from their mistakes. And also, apparently arresting the cabal cleans the worlds hearts and the filth we've adapter to.


No one in here is dumb or an idiot for being here. I am NOT attacking anyone still devoted to this. I just don[t see the reasoning behind being here. If this is real, we will find out with everyone else. This place just sucks up time for no good reason other than what we tell ourselves.