Anon, is it truly justice you seek? Or I should it really gratification to feed your ego? If one by one each evildoer disappears as society begins to change towards truth in the MSM and censorship is eliminated, all the children saved, the Gold returns and backs our currency as every central bank dissolves, assets forfeited, our education system returns to truth-based curriculums, cures for every known disease begin to emerge as do technological breakthroughs in freer power, hunger begins to dissipate as universal consciousness begins to spread exponentially, political corruption fades, peace begins to descend around the World, will you still be hungry
….for public acknowledgement that our efforts helped to bring this all about? If so, perhaps you need to look inside and check for your true motivations.
Well, your ego-based need for such low vibrational gratification is a wholly different matter.
Not so much a High Horse as one trying to approach your concerns without ego. I, as every other anon, would love to scream out to Family, Friends and the World “SEE!!! I TOLD YOU SO!”. But I would gladly love to see the sea change I posted about without any acknowledgement if that was the only way these things could happen.