Mysterious 'UFO' spotted over South Carolina ignites speculation about aliens
Mysterious 'UFO' spotted over South Carolina ignites speculation about aliens
Odor and noise troubling to some Port Hueneme residents
Scientists Drill 1,000 Meters Beneath Antarctica In The Hunt For Life
Never liked Hannity. Never will. Find it hilarious Q says "those who speak loudest", but this fool is apparently on our side? Loud mouth, baseless moron with no thought. Paid 20 million to read a card to a screen. But not a Paytriot.
Cause Q said watch him at 9.
Freedom comes with ratings. Watch Hannity and click these links.
Project blue beam getting ready?
Not his/her post. Stole it.
Point normies to the light how? Upon questions telling normies to "lurk moar faggot" "kill yourself newfag" or "fuck off back to plebbit?"
>You're waiting on other people to solve The People's' problems.
People see what they want. That Central America 5 billion for 5 caravans story got buried real fucking quick in here kek. All those billions to Israel, now justified by moving out of Syria? OK.
Qresearch is biased. Bias is no better than the MSM. They too, are biased.
You look at EVERYONE and EVERYTHING or no one and nothing. This notion the Miltary is squeaky clean, Trump is honest, our government can change and all these bad people can somehow go missing without anyone ever noticing is just eye rolling at times.
This board ruined itself by losing the ability to ask questions once they found someone to tell them what they wanted to hear. Real or not, Q should not be placed in some special bracket of trust until a later date when it can all come out. Until then, everyone should question everything. DTA, don't trust anyone. Placing our trust, blindly, to others, is what got us in this fucking shape
Why are you copy/pasting my rant from last bread. Yes, still here. But my rant is over. Why are you using this now?
I hate to break your world. But not everyone with their own thoughts is a shill. Try it sometime and you'll understand.
I don't care if Hannity is related to Trump. I don't like Hannity. Period End. If who Hannity is friends with makes your sheepish ass trust him cause you're told to, do it. More power to ya! I think for myself, fuck Hannity.
Almost in full agreement. Trump's base is certainly too forgiving of him and the unquestioning loyalty is scary because it will just lead us right back into the same shit we've been in.
It's like one greedy emperor is removing all the old ones to have everything for himself and his family. I just fail to see good being done on either side in a world wide scope. Trump is doing some positive things, but nothing to break the mold. Nothing to upset the cabal really. They're still loaded and making moves.
Personally, I think Trump started the caravan to create republican votes.
> quotes drop, is told doesn't read crumbs.
Unlike you, I'm not afraid of being wrong. As long as my thoughts are my own. I look forward to your next response offering no insight but moar insults.
What Exactly Is Agenda 21?
Get ready.
Questions are not welcome here. They might make you think against the group narrative.