Anonymous ID: a7e86d Jan. 3, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.4579303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9511 >>9655 >>9660




Good news, as Q said.

"We protect our Patriots."

"In the end, all will be right.

Patriots protect Patriots.



"Secret" Evidence Vindicates Michael Flynn's "Treasonous" Dinner With Putin


Exculpatory Russia evidence about Mike Flynn that US intel kept secret


"Sometimes public silence can be deafening or, for that matter, misleading.


For nearly two years now, the intelligence community has kept secret evidence in the Russia collusion case that directly undercuts the portrayal of retired Army general and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn as a Russian stooge.


That silence was maintained even when former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates publicly claimed Flynn was possibly “compromised” by Moscow.



And when a Democratic senator, Al Franken of Minnesota, suggested the former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) chief posed a “danger to this republic.”


And even when some media outlets opined about whether Flynn’s contacts with Russia were treasonous.


Yes, the Pentagon did give a classified briefing to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) in May 2017, but then it declined the senator’s impassioned plea three months later to make some of that briefing information public.


“It appears the public release of this information would not pose any ongoing risk to national security. Moreover, the declassification would be in the public interest, and is in the interest of fairness to Lt. Gen. Flynn,” Grassley wrote in August 2017.""