You won’t do shit with that faggot ass guy “faux” mask on, patriots don’t use masks and use their bare hands.
If the revolution comes cops and guns are on our side so are you retarded, a liberal, or a pussy projecting his fragility on the board?
You won’t do shit with that faggot ass guy “faux” mask on, patriots don’t use masks and use their bare hands.
If the revolution comes cops and guns are on our side so are you retarded, a liberal, or a pussy projecting his fragility on the board?
As long as you format your shit like a shill no one is signing shit
The French children and mothers are raped daily by African migrants and all the faggot French could muster was a few weekends that accomplished absolutely nothing
Name one war the French ever won? How did their last revolution end up?
You are shilling the wrong board if you think any one looks at French people as “tough”. Bunch of French fries.