Anonymous ID: 0a5cba Jan. 3, 2019, 10:59 a.m. No.4581081   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1199


Dear Nancy Pelosi:


Your name is on an FBI, GAO and Senate Ethics Committee list, from the ongoing DNC leaks, as a suspect in the corruption which involved the embezzlement of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. Now you can redeem your name and family legacy by sponsoring something that will change the course of American history. Please consider sponsoring the public lawsuits (Much like Peter Thiel sponsored the Gawker Media terminations).


Each and every person who financed and profited from the case (which CBS News 60 Minutes calls: โ€œThe Cleantech Crashโ€) is being sued personally and in a RICO-statute group under conspiracy laws. Please contribute to this worthy effort on behalf of your family and the 300 million families across America who lost out from these crimes.


John Doerr, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Steve Spinner, Steve Westly, and their little Cartel, really ruined it for all of the non-corrupt billionaires. Now those guys, and every Richster on the DNC leaks is getting every single asset, investment portfolio holding, off-shore tax evasion outlet, family trust fund, shell company and illicit money hiding placed tracked, documented, cross-referenced and reported to every news outlet and law enforcement agency. The Silicon Valley Cartel really screwed this one up. Letโ€™s shut the Doerr/Schmidt/Musk/Page corruption down so we can all get back to other things.


Most of us are Democrats who personally witnessed these crimes, have been to parties at your homes and dated your friends. We are saddened by these dirty apples in the bunch who committed these crimes. This case has nothing to do with ideologies or Democrats Vs. Republicans. It is 100% about felony organized crime and law enforcement.


This is a trillion dollar-plus political corruption case which abused taxpayers nation-wide and the public policy system over-all.


  • The victims demand justice and restitution for the fraud, harassment and interference they suffered. These citizens must be compensated for the malicious, proven, retribution tactics, lies, toxic poisonings, vendetta cut-offs of all government benefits, vendetta cut-offs of all employment and revenue sources, interference, "missing hard drives" and interdiction efforts conducted, with applicants own tax dollars, against the applicants. Neither they, their families, staff and associates will rest until justice prevails.


  • The public demands the arrest of the corrupt.


  • Justice demands resolution or the repercussions will only continue to accelerate and amplify.


This crime continues to this day. The cover-ups continue to this day. The attacks on the victims and losses by the victims continue to this day.

Senators Reid and Feinstein, White House staff and Dept. of Energy executives had insider trading deals with Silicon Valley tech billionaires. They used Google and Gawker Media to attack witnesses, destroy competitors and rig the news in their favor while exploiting illicit mining and stock market crony corruption deals. The only "Green" thing they were interested in was the cash! They had "hard-wired" the DOE money, in advance, for the campaign financiers and simply used/defrauded the non-crony applicants as a smoke-screen to hide their scam while monopolizing markets in a scheme agreed to with Rahm Emanual, David Axelrod, David Plouffe and their Cartel. Google and Tesla engaged in stock market fraud, commodity market rigging and public information manipulation.


Through over-whelming transparency and evidence aggregation, this project seeks to document the crimes, on public record, on a permanent basis; and, without breaking a single law, terminate the corrupt and their corruption. It is the intent of the victims to, either, sue each and every suspect or acquire resolution from the government agencies involved.


Please do your part to help right these wrongs.


Thank you. This is NOT a political issue. This is a law enforcement issue.


Thank you.