Anonymous ID: 11f78f Jan. 3, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.4580706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0787


Fucking cowards. Dems made a big stink about impeaching Bush in 2006 over two illegal wars but did diddly dick. Now they impeach over hurt feelings. When can they hang?

Anonymous ID: 11f78f Jan. 3, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.4580900   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ban black women from politics.


Doesn't matter where, black women ALWAYS use political office for revenge schemes, "social justice" crusades and personal enrichment.

Anonymous ID: 11f78f Jan. 3, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.4580946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In the diversity-era Democratic party, backing up claims is considered patriarchy/white supremacy. Accusation is enough. Media will cover for them.