Problems (ideological threats) in the West:
-Scofield bible Evangelicalism
-Buzzwords: freedom, equality, democracy.
-Those buzzwords are used as a superficial justification by the ideological enemies of the West in order to justify their actions and behaviors.
-For them, these words are buzzwords, they do not represent real values, because they use them to advocate for policy that has the complete oposite effect of what the values beyind those words represent.
-For example, how can a progressivist advocate for the islamization of the West using the buzzword equality when Islam always presupposes (according to its own religious literature) the genital mutilation of female children, which turns its victims unable to ever feel any type of genital sexual pleasure for life? How can a progressivist advocate for the islamization of the West using the buzzword freedom when Islam always pressuposes (according to its own religious literature) the imposition of a ban on music?