Elizabeth Warren 'Beer Video' is in fact cringe-inducing pandering at it's worst/finest
However, the criticism regarding her 'Black' figurines in the background that prominent 'Q' supporters are promoting on Twitter as evidence of 'Racism' is equally cringe-inducing/pandering
I collect antiques. Not for profit, I love collecting tangible objects that tell the story of our collective past.
'Black Americana' is highly sought after by many collectors for many reasons - NONE of which have to do with the individual collector being
'A Racist'.
It represents the depiction of how Black Americans were viewed in society by an ignorant majority.
To discount this reality is the equivalent of tearing down the Confederate Statues in the South - which I am FIRMLY OPPOSED
I am far from 'A Racist' & resent those who would label others that collect 'Black Americana' as 'Racists'.
You are playing into their hands to divide/label/ridicule.
Warren has enough negatives in her voting, politics, policies, relation to questionable organizations etc to attack in an objective manner on the facts. Don't bring in her collection of 'antiques' - which is in fact considered 'Antiques' as a means to attack her - stick to Policy
I keep seeing on Twitter all of these pics of her 'Mammy' cookie jars & figurines as a means to attack her & many encouraging the retweet of these images that they claim 'Proves she's a racist'
I can only say, come to my home. I am 100% Pro-Trump, Pro-Capitalism, Pro-America, God, Country, Family etc
I have numerous collectibles of 'Black Americana' that I certainly am not ashamed of
My Point:
Stick to the facts, their records, their voting history, associations etc
Don't sink to their level & attack things that are not-relevant; you will only alienate those that may be on the fence