Now that shitlibs run the House, probably not happening.
When POTUS recently said "Israel can take care of themselves" in Syria, many politicians were pearl clutching over it being "bad for Israel." I asked on here why any US citizen should care so heavily about Israel and got labeled a shill.
Ban black women from politics. All black women use political office for carrying out vindictive crusades and personal enrichment.
We not only need a wall and deportation of illegals, we need a full long-term pause on immigration for demographic purposes.
Truth. Beto was within a gnat's wing of winning the Senate.
(((Their))) plan is to turn TX, FL, AZ and GA blue. Then the GOP is done for good.
Need wall, deportations, long-term immigration pause, AND voter ID.
Even then, we need cultural Marxism removed from academia, entertainment, pop culture, and media, and most importantly: a white baby boom. Demographics matter and any honest anon can look at demographic voting patterns and see this country's done if whites become a minority.
He needs to address the particularly heinous aspects of open borders: human trafficking, to be precise. Make it be known that most, if not all, of those children are victims.