Looks like the "obstructing" Dems were "obstructing" back then too!!
They say that they won't/don't EMPLOY - that doesn't mean they don't USE them.
CIA can't ever divulge ANY of their actions or involvements in ANYTHING - all they have to claim is that there action are secret/classified.
So even if the President does employ a director that he can trust, who's to say he's really being told everything. And if he goes against the agency/NWO plans, he's out!!
We need to dismantle them completely!!!
"Used" vs "Employed" - that's the only distinction they made. Also, they make it sound like they were only "getting" information from journo's/clergy, not that they were giving or providing info to them.
Why would anyone be surprised about that?!?!?!
They are actors filling a role for the agenda of the cabal, that is all.
POTUS basically beat them over the head with his listening session - he allowed everyone and anyone to speak FREELY! And they did, even if they were for taking our guns, he let them speak and he listened. NO FEAR!!!
Because when you speak the TRUTH (i.e. defending our 2nd A), as opposed to LIES (take away the 2nd A), you don't have to fear because logical and rational people will hear you and understanding is then obtained. No fear, no coersion, no manipulation is necessary - just speak truth in love! That's putting on the mind of Christ!
Paul was heavily persecuted during his ministry, see II Corinthians, chapter 11.