for how long? recess appointments? adjournment sin die?
>Though we need an actual confirmation on this Pic if it is actually what is says on the indictments.
It isn't the Bush you think it is. Scroll up.
I'm glad I'll never be in a foxhole next to you.
truth. el arroyo [almost] always has good jokes on their sign.
>^^^^^^^^ doesn't understand what bicameral means
this is correct. fortunately, there are dictionaries.
thank you for the prodding. senate must still be in session.
looks like a clear veto threat to me.
beware a patient man.
last resort; violence.
boy, you sure do want to drive traffic to some rapper's account. you look like a marketing person. we don't like marketing.
>Not all masons are evil.
Most Masons are not evil. However, any 'secret society' is a REALLY bad idea unless you like the idea of evil having a formidable weapon.
Hopefully, everyone involved in Q, MIL and WH are patient men. From everything I've seen so far, they are. The cabal should be terrified. This will not end well for them.
Can you give us a concrete example?
Are you retarded? Seriouslyโฆdid your parents drop you on your head? from a plane?