Anonymous ID: aa0bd1 Jan. 3, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.4586396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m not sure if this video has been posted yet but here you go anyway. I have a couple of thoughts regarding the information in this video referencing a Tweet.


  1. If the tribunals are indeed secret (Mark Taylor mentioned they might be), and they are recorded (as the video / Tweets state), then the public will eventually get to see them. I would argue that the tribunals we will be allowed to watch will be of the big names like HRC, Obama, etc.


  1. Being able to see the tribunals is absolutely necessary not just for vindication purposes but for the purposes of changing minds.


  1. I get the feeling (this is just a Deep Thought by Jack Handy), that we will be allowed to witness the take-down of HRC for optical purposes. This will not only bolster the base, and satisfy the “lock her up” promise; it would also guarantee Trump a 2020 victory.