Anonymous ID: 96c5d7 Jan. 3, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.4587970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7982 >>8000 >>8015

Long time 8chan and 98% pro-trump. Why not 100%? Opioids.


I am a full time caregiver to my wonderful mother who had a stroke 26 years ago. She only has use of 1 are. We live in a very small community. In 26 years I have traveled this country over to find solutions to the painful spasticity and contractures.


The sweetest lady who never leaves the home has not driven a car in 20 years is now having issues with her pain medicine and doctors and no one listens to me. My life has been a living hell the last 2 months. I fear I soon I will be faced with watching her cry and die slowly due to the spasticity crushing the life out her by the painful exacerbation of spasticity around her chest area which causes her o2 levels to go down which then makes her muscles tighten even more until she turns blue.


Does Trump really understand the hell fire situation he created? Does he understand he is handing over millions of people desperate elderly Americans for pain relief to the Colombian Cartels? Does he think I wont do anything and everything in my power to make sure she is comfortable? I don't get guys. I really. It is so nefarious it feels like it is a scheme perpetrated by the Cabal.


Why is the main stream media hiding the recent high number of elderly suicides due to pain and forced withdrawal? I am talking the old mostly bed bound parents. These are yours and mine or soon to be yours parents? Why are the stories of the recent elderly suicides not coming up on google?


Read the article I post.

Anonymous ID: 96c5d7 Jan. 3, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.4587982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8000


The government no longer even mentions the criminal global drug trade, narco-states and terrorist groups funded by illegal drugs, trillions that wash through international banks, they have forgone the law enforcement and interdiction approach completely. They refuse to admit that North America is being targeted with chemical weapons, or that this is a national security issue. Websites like borderlandbeat and the small section of Breitbart that reports on the Mexican cartels and the Mexican Drug War give a glimpse into the reality on the ground, of what it is like to live in a lawless narco-state, under brutality that makes ISIS look like choirboys. It is so dangerous to even report on the subject, or translate reporting, that noms de plume must be used, the risk of getting killed as a journalist is a certainty. I personally believe there is no greater perpetrator of violence on the planet today than the paramilitary forces of drug cartels. We are obviously terrified of them as we have unconditionally surrendered. The message is clear: they are free to operate with no consequences, and the occasional El Chapo will be used for publicity, when anyone who bothers to look at the issue will quickly find that he was a low-level soldier, not a mastermind.


Instead, the federal and state governments have used a non-crisis media driven 'epidemic' to turn the U.S. healthcare system into a Medical Police State. The number of addicts is a sociological statistical constant, the difference in 2018 is that the synthetic illegal substances do kill addicts who might have lived for decades on the less-potent heroin of years past. The CDC data put forth to whip up the hysteria is so false that even the corrupt scientific research community wrote scathing papers ripping how bad the CDC lies were in 2016. They deliberately did not differentiate between illegal drugs and medications so as to inflate the numbers and make it appear that all overdoses were from doctors prescriptions, not heroin, meth, cocaine, & legal alcohol which still kills more than all drugs combined. A homeless person who died with five, six, or more substances in them along with multiple chronic diseases were counted as an opioid death even if the amount was not significant.


Once the public was sufficiently brainwashed into hysteria, grandstanding politicians and federal agencies set about trying to appear tough on drugs, so they turned on sick people instead of cartels. They have used these lies to target senior citizens on Medicare and the 9 million younger disabled by imposing laws that limit and outright deny pain analgesics even to the dying. Previously stabilized patients have had their medications removed from them, throwing them into suicidal medical crisis. Those patients who were previously managing their disease or injury are now bedbound, their functioning lives ripped from them. They have allowed wealthy progressive Trump-hating un-elected unaccountable private citizens to have access in crafting public health policy because these rich individuals had junkie offspring, so they are hellbent on punishing the world for their own failed parenting, like Robert Redfield CDC Director, Gary Mendell a resort hotelier, Andrew Kolodny a psychiatrist who has never treated a cancer or rheumatology a patient in his life. This cabal have succeeded in removing all pain analgesics from medicine, insisting instead on Suboxone, an expensive but socially acceptable synthetic opioid which runs into hundreds of dollars a month and is currently successfully represented by law firm Covington Burling to block the cheaper generic from reaching the market.



Anonymous ID: 96c5d7 Jan. 3, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.4587993   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The results will be costs sustained from the deteriorating health of once stabilized patients that will break budgets to smithereens (cardiac arrest, stroke, medical orphans abandoned by doctors who receive no ongoing care for their diseases or injures and end up in emergency medical crisis as their bodies fail), the suicide rate will continue to rise (up 4% last year alone), and the overdose death rate will continue its upward skyrocket (up 45% from illegal synthetics last year alone, let me repeat ILLEGAL).

Then there are the societal costs, as people are no longer able to work through the pain without medication (construction workers used the slang Workocet for percocet, as they give their bodies to manual labor keeping this country running properly and building it in the first place), incomes are lost and businesses close, which puts more people on disability. Mortgages and rent go unpaid, driving people into homelessness because they were unfortunate to get a disease or injury and have pain with it, pain that can no longer be legally treated. Families fall apart as children go neglected, and elder parents being cared for by their middle-aged children, previously functioning with chronic diseases that may take twenty years to completely incapacitate a person, go neglected as well.

This rips apart a moral culture, brainwashing the public that pain relief has a moral component, that needing relief from pain is a failure of will. Addicts take a higher social position than those with disease or injury with pain. Opiates which have been used by human beings for five thousand years are seen as an inanimate evil, the same way that liberals view guns. Suffering and agony is fast becoming an acceptable medical standard in the 21st century, requiring people to discard their emotional capacity to empathize with their fellow human beings. Dignity in one's decline and death is not only a thing of the past, but some kind of mistake. Imagine the trauma of nursing homes where forced tapers or removal of pain medications have been implemented–who is going to go to work in that environment, if they have any shred of human decency within them? Are the adult children of dying baby boomers going to find it acceptable when their elderly parent is begging to be killed to end the misery, even as medical science is used to keep failing bodies alive, IF the insurance pays of course? Philosophically and politically, since when do people NOT have a right to live–and die–without agonizing pain and with dignity? How does interfering in the doctor patient trusted relationship via DEA raids of legitimate medical practices that treat the most complex diseases and injuries, easier to execute because doctors don't shoot back like cartels?


Legislation by idiot politicians and electronic databases and piss tests does not represent anything resembling small conservative government. The Fourth Amendment alone is gone, there is no civil right to privacy in medicine as it becomes one with law enforcement. Do the rights of the individual to govern their own body exist at all–where are libertarians, where are MAGA people, where for that matter is the left who protest with 'laws off my body' picket signs over abortion and marijuana? Never have I seen such by-standerism–healthy people really believe they will never get sick, injured, or die. When it comes for all of us. The question is: how much agony are we willing to accept, how much punishment are we willing to inflict on the cancer patient, the elderly, the veteran, the person hit by a semi-truck, before we halt the Medical Police State? And no, people cannot just take Tylenol. All NSAIDS are dangerous to the liver, cause the elderly to bleed out internally and die, and do not help cancer pain, amputation pain from an IED, migraine, or RA. 80,000 people died in the U.S. in last years flu season, medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the country–which 'epidemic' are we fighting?



Anonymous ID: 96c5d7 Jan. 3, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.4587997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8140


The same litigation tactic is being used now by sleazy attorneys that were used in the tobacco litigation settlements. They see dollar signs, demanding that pharmaceutical companies pay millions, billions, for providing medications to sick people, all the while not demanding a thing from the Sinaloa Cartel. State governments have got in on the action, hoping to plug budget gaps with the cash the same way they misused the tobacco settlement money. A charade of justice.

Trump was convinced that one way to combat illegal drug use was to order production cutbacks in legal pharmaceutical medication, so now hospitals, ambulances, and emergency rooms have shortages of basic injectibles like morphine, used in everything from heart attack patients struggling to breathe, to children injured in car wrecks, to elderly patients who fell and broke a hip. Doctors are having to resort to using substitute medications, which often have terrible health effects on the patients. This presents a potential national security risk. If there was an earthquake or terror attack, with large numbers of injuries, the medical system would not be able to manage it while running shortages on routine days. Hospitals are now implementing no pain analgesic surgeries, as the elderly man with a recent amputation who was sent home with no prescriptions ta ll found out. That was covered in the Fox reporting. Since pharmacy chains are being sued as well as insurance companies in a free-for-all cash grab, the president of the American Medical Association had her metastatic cancer patient have his pain prescription that she wrote him denied at the pharmacy, and he tried to commit suicide a few days later, unable to take the pain in his bones. She should have spoken out long before it reached this point.


Finally, billions have been appropriated to the addiction industry. Money is flowing to unregulated rehab centers, which have an abysmal failure rate, and have given rise to patient trafficking. Called the Florida Shuffle, addicts with insurance are put on a human trafficking loop, whereby they are detoxed, then given drugs by corrupt treatment centers or simply allowed to use drugs in so-called 'sober living' facilities which are often grouped together in residential neighborhoods, making a fortune for the property owners. The piss testing industry is making millionaires overnight, as bills are ran up for urine tests, charging thousands for test kits that cost 30 bucks at the drugstore. Giving a patient crack or heroin, then testing them, enables the insurance to reset, and the patient is moved from rehab to sober house and back again. Some females have been used in sex trafficking, pimped out and paid in street drugs, while their insurance bills go sky high, and their families have no clue–until the young woman kills herself or overdoses. This corruption has spread to California, to Arizona, maybe to a neighborhood near you.
