Anonymous ID: dd617a Jan. 3, 2019, 6:14 p.m. No.4587543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7693

>>4587056 lb



In vast majority of cases (((shills))) aka mossad, jews, good deal of muslims and of course msm-influenced reddit mods are such frequently manufacture division and demoralization by faking 'conversations'. It's gotten automated and good enough with advanced AI and carefully analyzed scripts that basically it's infiltration of half chan /pol but far more advanced.


Good portion of the replies thus far to this post examplify this. The real key goal is to divert anon energy, confuse and enrage them about things that won't be dealt with that second and exhaust emotional/psychological strength.


They spam anti-Q stuff from all angles, including making up FAKE expectations about what POTUS and Q is going for at any given time, then claiming 'nothing's happening' while mountain loads of progress has been made in 2018 for instance.


DEMS were aiming for the senate. We not only denied them this, we GAINED in the senate, unlike so many other repub Patriots in the past.


House results are mainly fraudulent - we were not supposed to lose 40+ seats, but (((they))) stuffed the ballot boxes.


D5 is rolling through DC no matter what the clown agents and handler tried to pull. israel is on the back foot again thanks to POTUS telling them to handle their own shit. iran seems like wanting to change course from ww3 to something resembling a compromise after the iran deal was called off and northern syria nuclear facilities were taken out via missile strikes.


The ONLY 'real' asset, the clown and kike/muslim/black hat operative's strongest asset, is psychological and perception manipulation. They do EVERYTHING on these boards and across all comment sections and forums on the internet, never mind influencing even or especially 'alternative media' article writers to ALWAYS be doom and gloom. emphasize the negative, diminish and mock the positive. This is what (((they))) do to everything POTUS does.


What happened in NK, for instance, is nothing short of a fucking miracle. korean penninsula was in fact supposed to go nuclear and vast devastingg war of nuclear nature waged. dragging on all three super powers and economically significant east asian nations into the fire to be purged and burned.


We prevented this. NK is doing the damnest hard to push the unification process along, but from what we can see there are divisions and distractions in SK that presents obstacles (from all angles) to making things proceed faster.


clowns are not resting one iota. While they are shilling across world wide media platforms and trying to twist and derail Patriots, they are carefully moving their useful idiots across the board to initiate conflicts, sow confusion, and ultimately prevent any sort of national soverignty and strong west/strong white/strong any group from emerging to challenge their globalist power.


This is what we are up against. I will fully admit I did not live up to Q standards of keeping my cool or frustrations in check, especially given how badly our nations and people are being attacked on OUR OWN FUCKING SOIL by subhumans who should be DEAD and RAPED.


But the bigger picture must be always kept in mind. If you, or we, don't have full 100% knowledge of the situation (which we can barely grasp), we wind up shilling for somebody.


Part 1/2

Anonymous ID: dd617a Jan. 3, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.4587615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4587056 lb

>>4587313 (OP)


We follow POTUS (fighting fucking HARD, God bless FLOTUS for standing by his side and staying strong no matter what). We follow Q, and move this along as hard and fast as possible. As a side note, we would like to give ENORMOUS thanks to FLOTUS not to mention POTUS's children for standing strong and serving our country no matter what (((they))) say. FLOTUS especially - we somehow doubt this was the role she envisioned or planned for when she married DJT. Daily attacks, insults, shilling, manipulative influences and subversive attacks by the media. Maybe growing up in ex-communist nation gives her nature resistance to (((bolshevik aka globalist))) lies aka pravda. No matter what they do, she is standing firm and resolute, and for that, considering from what role she was catapulted from to her current position, FLOTUS will ALWAYS have our respect and admiration.


muslims must be removed from the west. There is no compromise there.


kike/jewish influence and control over western and russian/world minds must be broken.


keystones of the NWO plans must be demolished and bloodlines extinguished. It's either US, or them and their rapist/pedo/grooming gang pawns and shitskin subhumans (vast portion).


We either win and survive, or we lose and it's thousand years of darkness. For our peoples, for our children and grandchildren to come.


We will WIN, as long as Patriots are given the support to move things along. Do not play by the script of the (((enemy))). Creating our own future and realizing our own reality is our ultimate objective, and FUCK (((whoever))) gets in our way.



>we are saving israel for last


We never forget.


Anonymous ID: dd617a Jan. 3, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.4587760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7803


take for instance, the ship incident in ukraine.

we KNOW that globalist scum are manipulating ukrainian patriots into taking fruitless action by installing globalist friendly puppet under soros control and digusing it with ukrainian patriot sentiment of hostility against russia.


while infiltrating hard core ukrainian fighting groups with islamic scum.


This is how (((They))) operate. If you don't have 100% knowledge of the situation, you wind up shilling for somebody.


Which is why it is very necessary to follow the plan.


Trust the Patriots. globalists may not be resting, but neither are Patriots. How many critical false flags have we defused?

Puget sound clown nuclear launch was intercepted by OUR PEOPLE to prevent ww3.


War. We are at WAR.

War to kill the NWO and their muslim/kike pawns.

WAR to survive and kill rapists/pedos. To ensure a future for our children.


Nothing else matters now but victory.

Anonymous ID: dd617a Jan. 3, 2019, 6:35 p.m. No.4587824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8014


Prime example #1. Thank you for your vigilance, BO.


Great example of how (((they))) play ALL sides to stand in place of anons and try to steer the flow. They take ALL sides, because no matter what they have to say, the important thing is that their posts are regarded as 'more important' and thus can be used to direct and control anon opinions.

Anonymous ID: dd617a Jan. 3, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.4587979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


china was the conduit through which NWO controlled NK. Countless NK women and children have been trafficked and eviscerated and sold for parts, literally.