Anonymous ID: b51d6f Jan. 3, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.4588742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8756 >>8762





I don't follow Beanz but it's worth noting how many views she gets, the cult controls the algorithm of youtube which is why almost every Infowars style truth show is actually cult run - with the occasional cultist who reforms due to being flipped by our side- whether Tracy Beanz (or Trace Beans i.e. symbolic for focusing on the beans rather than anything substanve) - well she could be real now, I'm just relaying that it's not always clearcut -


I was a fan of George Webb and occasionally still check on him because I actually saw him fighting against the mob of youtubers attacking his credibility all while he had to fight for every new viewer - that gave him some credibility in my eye - but I dont' wholly trust anyone - just food for thought

Anonymous ID: b51d6f Jan. 3, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.4588792   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if nothing else he has an amazing work ethic - and he's also acknowledged that he gets info from "old Mossad" so unlike all the pretenders who are cultists in disguise George Webb doesnt really hide it and his connections are out in the open - so he impresses me on a lot of levels as well as going out and interviewing people like Wheeler - the Seth Rich guy when nobody else would touch him - well he does so many videos I can't keep up but he is still the only one who in my view earned a bit of credibility