I think you should spend as much time in front of the mirror getting ready as you want.
Except the island moving on 11.11
Do the shills know who they work for? Think honeypot.
Every single rich person you look at has a money guy who sets up a foundation. The IRS and DOJ, through their lack of focus on the rich have made them very useful for activities people want to hide.
If the government wants to avoid a French revolution it's going to need to make arrests for illegal activities among the elite. Think Epstein. We have some questions for you.
He puts it out there for people who know the comms.
Were cures for disease classified and kept from the public?
That deserves an answer.
Kayne has permanent tired of my dick getting sucked face.
That's something the government can disclose or be sent to the gallows over. If they didn't suppress the cures then maybe turning off the power for a few years and letting evolution take it's course is the best option.
Jesus didn't die so your childrens' souls could be crushed every day in a cubicle.