Anonymous ID: e25967 Jan. 3, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.4590637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0649 >>0671 >>0679 >>0743


So Dems won't listen to border patrol, or the DHS Secretary, or President Trump or the American People……so then like uh who do they work for…why are they in the positions they are in…its blantantly fucking obvious that there is another force behind all of the obstruction…no way everyday americans who have half a brain in their head will not see this if the shutdown continues….to be continued I guess….

Anonymous ID: e25967 Jan. 3, 2019, 10:45 p.m. No.4590726   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah so then Brad Sherman and Al Green filed articles of impeachment yet again (Sherman stated the documents contain the same language as the first filings that didn't fucking stand a chance), and we got a new freshman representative muslim shouting to her supports "we are gonna impeach the motherfucker, and we got Crazy Maxine saying Impeach 45, Impeach 45 and side comment about doing the same to Pence, and then of course today our illustrious House Speak says that Impeachment proceedings are open to discussion….what the hell are they gonna impeach on…because they hate the man, because he makes them look like imbeciles, I am not sure who or what is behind all the push to impeach our POTUS but I am really sick and tired of all of it….ready to go to Washington during next Congressional session to ask them why are you doing this? I know, its a waste of time and they will probably not even let me in to address them but Lord God there better be something coming because if I feel this way (I am pretty laid back and use the pause in my approach to most things) I can't imagine how millions more must feel by this whole Kabuki theatre we are seeing before our eyes…really really need to do something just not sure what (not violence, writing a letter or petition).